You can’t change spots this late in the game. You need to support him unless he’s cheating. 😉😉
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You can’t change spots this late in the game. You need to support him unless he’s cheating. 😉😉
I’m not talking about this year. You had a decade, NOW you question him? Of course you can do whatever, but in my opinion you’re late to the right conclusion.
I stand by everything I said up till this point.
He is a superb coach who makes his players better but has made horrible personal decisions.
I gave him 3 strikes on the hard to explain turnover.
Plus his flexibility, strength and conditioning program is horrible.
Well his historical standard is mediocrity. He’s managed to reach that once again if you only regard his conference peers. Nothing new going on here.
Lucky we have had him tied up with extensions or someone would have taken him from us by now.
Well Turbine loves to fight Windmills
I would have never given him the last two extensions although the one after the <b>27</b> win season was automatic.
I have,always given him a pass for personnel problems because I perceived them to be beyond his control. Now I don't think so.
You have always blamed him for player depth shortcomings. Turns out you were right I was wrong.
Your failing and where you lost credibility was refusing to recognize 27-wins.
The ironic part is that you say he could have helped this team. Well maybe. For sure? IDK. He shot the ball even worse this year and his rebounding numbers were down for a worse team all while he was still near the top in turnover margin. Would he have helped this bunch? Some games probably so but he's still a maddening player that screwed up. I don't blame Marlin on this one.
Before I post, I like Justin, still wish him the best.
Justin wanted to be "the man". So he could not achieve this at UL, left this pond and moved to a smaller pond in hopes of being a "big fish".
Given our injuries this year and Justin's durability issues, God had Justin where he needed to be.
As has been stated on this board a few times the “purge” last year was mainly due to off court situations. While in a way the coaching staff is ultimately responsible for the players they can’t make every decision for them.
As far as Miller being able to help this year you have to remember that Dou Gueye would not be here if Miller stayed. Miller’s numbers by minute from last year are slightly better than Dou’s, but overall that is pretty close to a wash. Now in that same light if you want to compare Jeriekus Davis to Calvin Temple that’s a different story.
How do we know Davis was dismissed by coaching staff?
Which I respect and agree with, that is the reason I have tried to be rather ambiguous with what I posted. It was all spelled out pretty clearly in another thread here earlier. But just as Turbine posted here and and I have seen others refer to a belief that the roster turnover last year was a move by the coaching staff related to on court performance which wasn’t entirely the case.
Head coaches get the glory, and the loses. Players get the wins and immediate glory.
If the Big Fish gets the career glory and credit, he’s also responsible for who comes here. He’s ultimately responsible for Davis, and Miller good and bad.