Their quad is like the opposite of our quad, the possible martin hall pointing in, welcoming and overseeing...whereas ours faces out, like they don't want students to be welcomed there
Or, ours is reaching out to the world, welcoming them in.
November 21st, 2023, 01:11 pm
Re: College Gameday
Originally Posted by Swamp
Nah, I meant all the students wearing purple.
To your earlier question about how they reach their calculated attendance, I actually called up espn. Simply put "the school gives us their calculation" (the exact answer we'd all guess lol)
So we could easily tell them.a higher number if we hosted.... but would we? Lmao
November 21st, 2023, 01:14 pm
Re: College Gameday
Originally Posted by moorecajun
Or, ours is reaching out to the world, welcoming them in.
Away from the majority of lafayette residents and towards TSAb, lol
November 21st, 2023, 02:57 pm
Re: College Gameday
Originally Posted by RougaWhite&Blue
So we could easily tell them.a higher number if we hosted.... but would we? Lmao
If you never lie, you never have to remember anything
November 28th, 2024, 02:14 pm
Re: College Gameday
Originally Posted by R1Letterman
Away from the majority of lafayette residents and towards TSAb, lol
Get your bearings straight, everyone knows Martin Hall points to Melville.;)
November 28th, 2024, 04:01 pm
Re: College Gameday
Originally Posted by Swamp
Nah, I meant all the students wearing purple.
Daaaaayummmmm! Hammer drop! Little too close to the truth.