Preview: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
The second full season of the Michael Desormeaux era begins on Saturday at Cajun Field when the Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns host in-state opponent Northwestern State in the annual Herbert Heymann Classic.
What To Expect From Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns vs Northwestern State
The Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns open up the 2023 campaign hosting the Northwestern State Demons Saturday night in Cajun Field. Continue reading…
Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
Geaux Louisiana!
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Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
I'm so damn fired up for this season!!! LFGeaxxxxxxx!!!!
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
Geaux Cajuns!! I’m gonna skip my friends graduation party to watch this! It’s horrible but I have no regrets!!
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
Time to put everyone on notice!
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
Ragin’ Cajuns Revenge Tour starts Saturday!
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
More fired up than I was last year. I’m genuinely giddy.
We had a “show me season” in 2019. Got it done there.
I feel like this is Des’ show me season. 2nd year.2nd Recruiting class. Easy schedule (not sure how easy our 19’ schedule was, though)
Make it happen.
I’m a pessimist with sports. It’s my burden. But I love nothing more than to sit in the stands and be proven wrong.
I’m honestly optimistic about this season, though.
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
Will RP ever have a meet and greet before a game? It has been talked about for a long time.
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
Geaux CAJUNS!! Time for a rebound.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
We outchea with the Busch lattes
Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Northwestern State
Originally Posted by
JMV JustMyView
Will RP ever have a meet and greet before a game? It has been talked about for a long time.
I’ll be the guy in the red shirt. Would love to meet you.
Really, though. We need name tags.