Check with Brandon Domingue on a game by game basis. Last year there were plenty for single game purchase.
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Seems like most folks are tailgating at the house these days.
. . . you kind of like the guy that prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed again and again and again and again to win the lottery . . . after years of this God finally sent down an Angel with a message for the dude . . . It was “give me a little help Joe, at least try buying a ticket”
Talk about a hell of a good time stamp, the Century Oaks 'round Campus. You can estimate the age of any Oak (of course, around Acadiana) (distance, temp, soil, etc. variations differing elsewhere) by knowing the Louisiana Oaks are 123 years old.
That Grove @ Ole' Miss is nice too.
I pass there every day. I noticed this week they were trimming all the trees and raising the canopy, across congress in the parking area and up CDBVD. It would be a great place for those that want a free place to park and tailgate if only that walk across congress wasn’t so darn far.
Again it’s not the walk. Many can’t accept that hundreds if not thousands of parking spaces aren’t available without a huge donation to the RCAF. Again you can’t tell people how they feel or spend their money. That’s especially true for businesses with too much inventory.
One can earn the right to get a parking pass for a donation of 100 dollars. One could split that into 4 quarterly payments of 25 dollars. If one doesn’t see that as affordable one should be ok with a short walk across the street. If one doesn’t go to a game because of parking at Cajun field one is really not a fan. UL has the closest free parking you will find anywhere in the FBS.