Agree. You could probably get a few more fans to attend if the beer was $4. I don’t know if I could make it through a Marlin game without beer.
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I know this question has been answered before, but does Sodexo run the Dome and CF? Just the dome?
How can you charge 6 bucks across the street and double it plus your emergency gas money on the other side?
McNeese outsmarted us so bad sticking a little arena in their APC. Here we are charging $14 bucks a beer with 1,000 people in an 11,000 seat arena.
I agree that this policy needs to be adjusted. There was quite a line outside before men's tickets were starting to be scanned as the women's game did not finish until after 7 PM. I went early to watch the women and was told my ticket for men could not be scanned until 6:30. That time comes and I go down to have my ticket scanned and am now told I have to wait until women end before men's ticket can be scanned. Once that happens I am then told that my ticket cannot be scanned until the arena is empty. At that point I went to the Rebounders pre game social in the Table Room. Someone did scan our tickets when we left the social. There is a very simple solution here. Start scanning men's tickets at halftime of the women's game. The next time this occurs is in February. If it is cold and rainy outdoors, people will not want to wait outside waiting for the arena to be emptied before they walk in. Perhaps my suggestion will not work but a better system needs to be in place than what was used tonight. Beyond that, nice job Gary and the ladies.
Now that is funny!
Good thing there was a skeleton crowd last night. Could have really been a ____ter if we were playing someone decent on a Saturday night...Oh wait, that doesn't happen either.
I believe this year is free admission to the women's games. We also got there, before 7. We also just went into the Table Room (didn't know the name - thanks) and had a beer until they would let us in. The beer was "only" $10 there so I saved some dough!
Back to the free admisision thing. Why couldn't we just go into the women's game if it wasn't over? I know they had to empty the arena BUT isn't this one of the free promotions we could have. I did see a few empty seats that the freebirds could have sat in.
There are three more of these doubleheaders, all in February. Scan in the men's ticket holders whenever they arrive and don't empty the arena after the women's game. This is a chance to promote an event.