Yeah: although I've not heard anything official about who the tenants will be, etc., I'm very sure there will be a new and expanded RedZone as part of the retail space.
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What about Love Works or Crave? Will they be in there?
Both of these projects are fantastic for the Campus area. T-Joe is doing a great job getting student housing up to par and promoting growth for the University. The other project is much needed updated retail for the area, and will spur more development. Can't wait to see the plans for the new Engineering building, spent a lot of time in the old one, a little nastalgia about it, but not that much, a replacement is sorely needed.
Ha! If I haven't learned by now, I don't think I'm going to! Actually, I don't think I've ever even touched one. EE Computer option, we didn't have too. I will say though looking back, one class I did enjoy that was not in my direct field was statics, can't say the same for thermodynamics though. Multics was our biggest tool, and that experience did come in handy.
I will never forget Dr. Anderson standing on a chair in front of the Thermodynamics class proclaiming that "steam was not an ideal gas". I thought to myself, "well yeah thats why we have the steam tables". I guess some did not want to take the time to look up the required information in the steam tables and just apply ideal gas theory to steam.
I guess I'm a little older since the first programmable calculators where just starting to show up and weren't allowed for classes. Those used magnetic strip readers or replaceable modules depending on manufacturer (TI or Block lettering and how to use a slide rule used to be one of the first classes. My Fortran class required using the IBM tape drive computer with key punch cards located in Martin Hall.
Long hand and manual calculations. Party land lines. Turn dial TV's with 3 channels. 8 track tapes and maybe cassettes. Role your window up by hand. That's what it was when I was in school.
No calculators, cell phones, computers, smart phones, email, internet, electric windows, remote control TV's.
No big red carts like Frenchie has. Just drive to Cajun Field and catch the un-air conditioned bus to campus. Play cards at the top of the Mr. Cook.
Things were great!!!!!