But you also must not be reading his (Brian's ... see #8) as he posts about all since 2010. The committee is following the RPI standings, not someone's jersey.
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??? Why would I not read Brian's post(s)? I understand and respect the work Brian puts in to keep people informed about the rpi and there are some things he catches that I miss, but Brian is not the only one who follows and understands the rpi process. I've been following the rpi for basketball for the last 20 years and the softball rpi for the last 10. I'm not the mathematician that Brian is, but multiplication and division and addition and subtraction are not that difficult to comprehend.
What some of you appear to be failing to understand about my stance on this particular subject is that what I believe has less to do with the use of the rpi and more to do with the options the selection committee has to make their decisions. I recognize the fact that there have been very few deviations from the groupings they are using (1-8 for national seeds, 9-16 for regional hosts), but the fact that there have been some, even minor ones, leaves me room to be skeptical about their possible actions. Remember, Brian did say "I firmly believe South Alabama would have been hosting." I believe otherwise. It doesn't make either of us wrong, it just means we have a difference of opinion.
For two years now, the committee has stayed within the 1-8 and 9-16 groupings for the seeds. It is likely that trend will continue because there are only three members scheduled to rotate off the committee and two of those three are eligible for reinstatement. There has been much national discussion that the committee has been leaning on the rpi too rigidly, so it will be interesting to see if any adjustments are made to the formula or if the committee slackens the reliance on the rpi rankings.
making a mountain out of a molehill
We did get the seed...right? This is a useless "I was right...no I was right...well I would have been right if..." conversation. Who cares??!! We are hosting a regional, and will be hosting a super regional should we win. That's all that matters! Jeez.
Not trying to be "better". I just find it enjoyable watching a socially awkward middle-aged man go into a tantrum on a sports message board because someone neg repped you.
Maybe stop acting like a pretentious jackoff on here and people wouldn't say the things they say.
Are some really worried about their reputation on a message board?