Yes but they connect to the Gulf of Mexico and are either salt water or brackish.
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this might work
The number one indication of an advance civilization is the ample supply of drinking water. (think ancient Greece and Roman empire)
The number two indication of an advanced civilization is the adequate disposal of waste water. (if you every go to a third world country one of the first things you smell is the unmistakable aroma of sewage. it sometimes can gag a maggot). Contaminated water and insects and other critters are the most common vector for disease. Malaria, dengue fever, Cholora are examples.
Lack of potable water is a problem for a lot of the world. It's just never been an issue for modern US except for isolated instances. This would be a huge problem for the lower Mississippi.
It seems like these issues are not getting a lot of attention. Is there a technical/engineering way to mitigate the situation? Improve the ORCS, maybe?
Helmut...think there’s any chance they shut down I-10 or Hwy 190??
We’ve had the morgaza 100% open in the past I believe. I surely recall driving over a totally flooded Basin on the I-10.
So, if New Orleans and Baton Rouge don't have good drinking water, I guess Lafayette could become the new Louisiana State Capital and UL could then, once again, officially become The University of Louisiana (a name originally granted and then stolen in the 1980's).
There is always something good that can come out of every tragedy!!! LOL!
Am I correct in saying that, should something ever happen to the OCRS (it fails, or otherwise breaks), this would automatically change the course?
LOL... yeah but there are easier targets. It would be extremely difficult for someone to destroy the various structures.... mother nature on the other hand might not have as difficult a time.
The complete controls structure there consist of the main Old River Control Structure, Auxiliary Old River Control Structure, Power Plant, and the Spillway. They wouldn't all have to fail in order for the river to change course but the point is that there is more to the system than just a single failure point. Thank goodness.
Are there any books on this?
Multiple books on it. See links below for recent web series that is very good and has reference to some of the source material.
I can see what this thread has deteriorated into without my input. I knew there would be some kind of a thread on this subject which would have derailed & gone severely off course into la la land. So now, in an attempt to save this once interesting piece of reading may I take the chance to interject some real critiquing for a very obvious reason. WHY in the hell did they wait until now to sink the barge in Bayou Shane & just now start to open the gates in Morganza?
This obvious lack of "interest" this time around by the Corps of Engineers puts all & I mean ALL of south Central Louisiana at risk for major flooding later this year. There's nothing funny about it & could help lead to a major catastrophic flood event in our region, all because someone took the viewpoint that oh, we've got this. Nothing's gonna happen. Whereas in 2011 the viewpoint was to look at the worst case possibility & deal with it in that manner. Thereby the Corps acted in such a way as to overreact & completely prevent a major flood event to the point it became a non event. This time the exact opposite appears to be the case. It's my opinion & i'm absolutely entitled to it & to ask the questions. And if one of the worse cases occurs, there will be a hell of a lot more people asking these same exact questions.
Opening of the spillway closed to public.
Only properly credentialed corps of engineers personnel and credentialed press will be allowed.
After watching that video, if I lived in the Basin area all the way to NOLA, I would begin the process of relocating now. I sure as heck would not allow any of my loved ones to build or buy a house in this area either.
Us, as in, the entire country. Multiple states would sue the COE due to loss commerce and failure on the government's part in their failed attempt to control nature. This would make Katrina look like chump change after its all said and done.
Not trying to hijack thread, BUT all the more reason to get 49 thru Lafayette. Straightest path is a straight line from 10/49 interchange to 90. The day is coming when there will be massive infrastructure work south of here. You want planning, there it is. Drop the outer loop and bike path dreams and get real.