Looks like she slid to soon and her slide is over.
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Looks like she slid to soon and her slide is over.
Her slide is not over, she has not even touched the ground with her chest and hips.Quote:
Originally Posted by BurninCayenne
Safe. :h: :h: :h: :h: :h:
You're right I thought she was getting up to get closer but now I see the dirt wave from her hand. When do we get the real answer?Quote:
Originally Posted by Cajun Express
post script SAFE
If we stay the course, and win most of the rest of our games, and lose a couple (expected b/c of our youth), I don't see us changing much in the polls. I think with the weakness of our conference in softball (us being the exception) and us having already had a chance to play good teams (1 of which we beat and two of which we didnt), our rankings will not be affected much at all.
My two scenarios for improving our rankings are this:
1)Win out the rest of the way. Regardless of the weakness of the rest of our schedule, that would put us at 56-7. I don't care who you play, if you are 56-7 at the end of the season, you deserve to be top 10.
2)Regardless of us winning out or doing as expected and winning most of the rest of our games with a couple losses sprinkled here and there, we can also move up in rankings if the 14 ahead of us have some major collapses. I don't really see any major collapses in the top 5, but I certainly think that 6-14 are capable of it (why I think that, I don't know, it just sounds good and makes sense).
What about y'all? Am I right on? Am I dead wrong? Are there any other rank changing scenarios?
Regardless of the rank, I hope our ladies continue to kick butt, especially at the conference tourney and the regionals and beyond.
God Bless
OK here you go, the picture from when the ball was caught.
It looks to me like Karli has been there so long she could use the base as a pilow :) <center>
I see us staying right around where we are now, unless "we" have a meltdown. Most ahead of us play in tougher conferences (as you've alluded to); so losses within conference play will not affect them as greatly as losses in our conference would. Could we move up 2-3, or 4 spots; yes, but I think its less likely than dropping a couple places. Regardless, I think we're looking at a 3 seed in any regional. Not bad for a rebuilding year! JM $0.02. :D
Safe by a mile
Karlie was safe. Blue was somewhere else. I saw it, real life. There was no question. We did get some bad calls. The two games were very good. There was a nice crowd on hand. It was a great night for softball.
Becky McMurty, the NSU coach got some flowers to start the game. It was a homecoming. She is doing a great job with her charges. Look for NSU to be an excellent team soon. I noticed the batters were reacting just like ours. Becky is using the method Mike used with her. You go girl! She learned something good and she is using it. The four home runs NSU had looked so EASY!
Also, Shari Sigur of Lafayette High was one of Becky's players when she coached at LHS. This could be the reason Shari didn't make the whole game. Becky is so smart.
Our Conference is improving. It made a major jump when FAU joined. South Alabama is a first year program and is surprising. North Texas has a second year coach and is greatly improved. It won't have such a low RPI this year.
If you look at the NFCA poll for this week. You will notice that parity is the key word in the won loss records. In this poll, in the top ten, three are from the SEC; Tenn, Alabama and LSU, three are from the Big 12; Oklahoma, Texas and Texas A&M, two are from the Pac 10; AZ and AZ State (Top ten in previous years was all Pac 10), and two are from the Big 10; Northwestern and Michigan. So, the wins are getting spread around. Is that good for us? Maybe, maybe not.
To be invited to Regionals, a team looking for an At large bid needs to have fewer than 10 losses. IMHO. Will we have that? Hope so.
Over the long run, I believe it is NOT good for us. In years past, only the PAC 10 and, to a lesser extent, the Big XII, cared about fielding quality teams. Now that the money schools in the SEC and Big X are also involved, the pool of quality players is further diluted; and the schools with less money will be less able to compete at a high level. Note the absence of any of the traditional California 'small school' powers from the Top 10. The squeeze has been put on them already, as the out of state 'Big Girls' are now recruiting California hard.Quote:
Originally Posted by LuLu
For an exact analogy, look at Old Dominion and LTU in women's basketball.
Thanks I came here today to see if she was safe. Looks like the answer is yes but not officially. :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by LuLu
She is safe by a long shot, she was in this pic spitting the dirt from her mouth and getting ready to call time to dust off and the third basewomen was just getting the ball in her glove!!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Turbine
S A F E!!!!
Great pics Turbine!!