Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
I think state nepotism laws prohibit that. It's the reason Mike and Steph and J. Kelley and Meredith were co-head coaches.
Ahhhhh, understood. I know other places/states have done it, I did not realize we could not in Louisiana. I know a number of colleges have had father and son or brothers on the same staff.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
Ahhhhh, understood. I know other places/states have done it, I did not realize we could not in Louisiana. I know a number of colleges have had father and son or brothers on the same staff.
My understanding is that in cannot be in a supervisory, hire/fire/promote relationship.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
I wonder if Maggard had hired Matt D, then Mike as HC, if that could have Ben a loophole.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
I wonder if Maggard had hired Matt D, then Mike as HC, if that could have Ben a loophole.
I don't think so. It would have probably kept Mike from being hired. Matt could work elsewhere in the dept as long as he doesn't report directly or indirectly to Mike.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
OC Jake Delhomme
DC Lance Guidry (Current DC at Marshall)
I would sign off on those two guys.
Jake said today on Scott’s show if he’d ever coach it would be QB in the pros. He said he would not want to do all the recruiting stuff. How about Jake as offensive analyst for the Qb position? I bet he’d do it for cheap.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
You said it right here, so just quit. You and I really don’t know a damn thing and the people who know decided he should be and is ready to be the HC here.
As to the conclusion that he would not be the HC at any other D1 University, you don’t know that either and if that is the case, it would be that unlike the decision makers here, the decision makers there would be just like you . . . They would not know. . So give it a break.
Quit what?
As for the bottom statement he even alluded to it a couple of times when he said he doesn’t know what it takes to make other programs successful but he does here. That’s all that matters. (See Scott’s interview and press conference)
Make no mistake I am 100% behind coach des and hope he becomes the winingest coach here in the shortest amount of time.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
Boomer is ready
Kicking game coordinator!
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
Jake said today on Scott’s show if he’d ever coach it would be QB in the pros. He said he would not want to do all the recruiting stuff. How about Jake as offensive analyst for the Qb position? I bet he’d do it for cheap.
He'd have to give up his Panther broadcast job....dont see that happening..
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Originally Posted by
He'd have to give up his Panther broadcast job....dont see that happening..
Not necessarily, analyst are not allowed on the field or headsets during a game. So they would not need him on the weekend, could be a Monday through Thursday. It’s a watching film and critiquing type position. I’ve seen him work with many QBs at TCHS in the off season. They could send the QBs there during the summer for technique type work. Not sure if NCAA would allow it on campus.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Jake's horse business and Panther radio duties prevent him from having the time to do what people suggest here. His horse racing venture keeps him quite busy.
Re: Coach DMeaux New Staff
Assistant possibilities??
Last thread had a lot of garbage in it. Has anyone heard names or possible additions?
A few names I would look at.
SC - Lanier Coleman - former Cajun, currently working at FSU. Played it it’s Des.
SC - Derik Keyes. Currently with the Vikings. Also played with Des
TE - Rickey Brumfield - New Orleans guy, currently working for Virginia. His employment could be up in the air with new coach coming in.
TE - Jonathan Decoster - former Cajun. Currently with the Browns but worked as analyst on lsu title team. Played it it’s Des.
RB - Tony Hull - former Cajun. Currently with ULM. New Orleans guy that can help with recruiting.