Just continues to remind us all how trashy a guy he really was!!
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Just continues to remind us all how trashy a guy he really was!!
And if we fire Lee will they will join together and file another suit? I think that this is all setting the table for the future. We made the mistake of keeping Bustle this year when it was a "clean house" year. If we keep Bustle and then fire both basketball coaches we will lose the next case.
The Baldwin lawsuit was a farce and we cannot operate any aspect of our coaching hiring and firing from that pathetic failure of our judicial system. The only lesson learned is to be more cautious in hiring people that have no qualifications and those who a lawsuit is their greatest hope of "achievement".
Would you give up this notion that every coach will sue the University if they are fied. We all know that the two basketball coaches are BLACK! There, I said it, now put those thoughts to rest. That does not have any bearing on whether or not they are good coaches or if they are performing up to the expectation set forth by the University. If you were running this department, every black coach would get an extension no matter how bad their performance because you are scared they will sue.
You said it very well, especially the last sentance. My fear is in that Lee got the job when he was not the choice for the job. Then we gave him an extension for the "good job he did". We labeled him a good coach. I fear we set outselves up. I pray I'm wrong and you are right.
My apology for the fear that inspired my post. The question should be if they are good coaches and are they performing up to the expectations set forth by the University? If that is the question then I'll simply answer to Rodgers, Lee, and Bustle, Thanks for your service to UL. Good luck in your next position.
Don't blame yourself, blame Baldwin for anyone's reluctance to hire a minority head coach. He demonstrated that you can avoid a costly risk by hiring someone who can't sue for racial discrimination.
Credit UL for not letting Baldwin deter them from being color blind in their hiring practices despite what he did.
Lee's contract is up at the end of the season. At that point UL will have fulfilled its obligation to him and he will have fulfilled his obligation to UL (or not depending on your point of view). He would have even less of a case than Baldwin if he were to decide to sue. But I don't think Robert Lee is that type of person. Win - loss record aside he appears to be a better man than Jerry Baldwin. Just my opinion.
The Rev. Jerry Baldwin, New Living Word’s principal and church pastor, said the school is moving forward “on faith.”
“If you’re going to be successful, you’ve got to stop looking at the obstacles and look at the opportunities,” Baldwin said.
If it is, hope that schools comes out of his leadership better than our athletic program did.
Yup that's him
why all the complaints? this is "pishnook" jindal's education reform plan in action. this guy realizes what kind of profit he can make off of us suckers out here. rest assured there will be more hucksters like him who will figure out how to clean our clock in the name of education "reform."
Baldwin is going to finally get his settlement money from the state.
He is going to take over 3 million of taxpayer money and these kids are going to get an education not fit for a third world country.
Another example of what can happen when the public system fails us so miserably. They were given so much money, so much time, so much freedom... they told everybody they would take care of it, they were intellectuals and knew what to do... and the public school system not only sucks, it just keeps adding all of these pseudo-intellectuals and sucking worse. Look what you've done public school system "intellectuals". You taste so bad, a pile of excrement can replace you. It's going to suck, but the results will likely improve. That's just how bad you suck. And you don't even know it.
Geez... the ship's sinking and the rats are complaining that we've put snakes on the ship to eat them. The rats made their ship out of cheese... in order to take care of their primary need... dining. We told them to take our precious cargo to fertile grounds. They prefer complaining and eating the ship. So, a few snakes are now on the ship and the rats are scrambling. Let the snakes eat the rats. If a snake gets out of line, cut their head off. But... never listen to a rat.
Has the public school system failed or has the family unit failed. I think the public school system should be forced to do more for less. But, I also don't think a former football coach with no real primary education experience should be able to stick 300 kids in a gym and take 3 million of TP money.
Both have failed. I'm not an advocate for "the public school system should be forced to do more for less". It was all about "they had the answers". The rot started long long ago... and "they" had the answers.
"They" wanted social engineering by taking the underperforming school children (due to "the social inequivalence" directive) and bus everyone around. "They" wanted no more "winners" and "losers"... everyone gets a trophy and is told they are "magnificient". "They" didn't want anyone to get a spanking. "They" didn't want severe consequences for both the child and parents for bad behavior. "They" fought conformity objectives in school... like no more pants below the ___ sphincter or else, no ever talking back to a teacher or else... and so on. "They" didn't want to "stifle that tender liberal spirit". "They" didn't want prayer in school... or even a "moment of silence". "They" question the pledge of allegiance. "They" don't believe a good student can use an old beat up textbook and kick any kid with a new computer's butt. "They" want school to be a much more open "social experience" for a child. "They" don't want to test out the bad teachers. "They" don't want anyone to touch their golden goose unless they are "part of the group".
Yes... parenting has gone to pot. And "that" is another issue I can lay at "their" feet as well. But, "they" have the answers. "They" have failed us miserably... because "they" are smarter. And "they" have a dumbed-down entitlement-minded and single-social-issue constituency eating elixer sales campaign BS right out of their nasty little hands.
And then there are the schools with a little character and pride and religious convictions----Vermilion Catholic---the board has decided not to take any of the money in case of ambiguous strings that may be attached----Kinda like the Obama birth control health plans for which so many dioceses are now suing the government ---Anyway I think we all know the Baldwin intent!!!