No real updates on the website. Anyone know an ETA for this film?
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No real updates on the website. Anyone know an ETA for this film?
Been wondering that myself. I'm sure it's going to be in post production for a while. I'm betting that this project isn't these guys main jobs and is probably being worked on during free time. Still some time frame would be nice.
Their Facebook page said to expect it out this Fall.
yeah, i thought about that this weekend, i just don't have much else to post as far as production goes until now, as we ramp up this weekend. I have spent the last 3 months simply seeing what i have and what i don't as far as story arc from the interviews which as of now is around 5 terabytes/100 plus hours of on camera talking which consumes about 10-18 hours a day every day so it's just been busy in a holding pattern of post production as we gear up for more interviews.
the main question i get often is "how many interviews are left?" i think it's less than 10? but it always depends on what i get out of the last one. some are easy to book others give you the old "don't call here again" i am persistent though.
we do have a certain superstar coming in very soon who as all others wishes to be kept on the DL unitl we are done with his shooting, march is shaping up to be a good and busy shooting month and i want to be wrapped with all shooting by may. the story line of "talking heads" is coming along nicely and has some where around 35 minutes or so roughed out as of today in various spots throughout the film with the coming interviews in march filling in a lot of the holes i have now.
good news is we are now writing a narration script and have a preliminary list of a 3 narration candidates who are quite famous. We just have to wait to pitch once our tester scenes are complete which should be hopefully mid april.
The whole process has been moving very fast compared to other indy docs and that is due to our work ethic, i think i have taken something like 10 days off out of the last 400 ish so we can hit our mark of august festival submission dates.
so even though we have been quiet, it's a good quite and honestly i didn't think that many people went to he yeah that's good. That's one of the traps of involving people with the process of a film rather than just the release is folks are hungry for content, which i think is awesome and can't thank you guys enough for the support and attention you have given us!
Well... that is definitely an answer...
Does anyone know when this movie will be released? Heard about it for a while, but have not seen any footage or release date.
I know. I donated to the kickstarter campaign but I never received any follow up news or gift. I wasn't really concerned about the gift, but I was hoping it would have been accompanied by a release date.
I was wondering the same thing!
Douglas is working hard on the editing process.