Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today
Originally Posted by
Cajun Monkee
That Moon is a great guy? With some hesitation.
Haha! Monkee man, funny stuff!
Re: LA Tech Staying Home???
Do you remember when La Tech was invited to play in the I-Bowl a few years back and made it a condition of acceptance that they would only accept the invite if it was NOT the cajuns they would play? (see Dooley) That, and the fact they tried to do the same thing to Monroe is the reason. I know their are many good La Tech fans, but when your administration tries to screw over other instate schools, you will get no sympathy from other previously screwed over schools.
This was La Techs own fault. I do feel sorry for the players though, but it is the result pf the poor decisions by your administration.
Originally Posted by
This is a really messed up situation. This was Techs best season since they went Division 1 in '89. As an Alum & fan I'm beyond ____ed that the decision makers could let this happen. I feel horrible for the players most of all.
I due find it interesting, to say the least that the Tech posters on RP were extremely sympathetic to your conference woes earlier this week...and now most of you are being truly classless back to us. Thx
Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today
Originally Posted by
Moon just said that he has invited the chairman of the Independence Bowl to be on his show tomorrow. He wants to hear from him if Tech turned them down or did they (the I Bowl) move on. I think I will be listening.
Please keep us updated on this board if you don't mind. I'd be interested in hearing that interview.
Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today
Originally Posted by
Bicky Rustle
And you admit that
Bicky, sadly it's true. I have to say without hesitation that aside from his political leanings, monkee is a fine fella. News flash. He ain't as much of a liberal as he leads on.
Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today
Originally Posted by
Bicky, sadly it's true. I have to say without hesitation that aside from his political leanings, monkee is a fine fella. News flash. He ain't as much of a liberal as he leads on. ��
There's another liberal on this board????
Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today
Liberal what? People like to label themselves liberal or conservative but rarely align with those labels when confronted on issues.
Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today
Originally Posted by
Cajun Monkee
If you're talking about the boy, that's his mother's fault.
That's what she said!
Re: Hey LA Tech, You are invited to...
Originally Posted by
This was a sincere invite to a bowl game, nothing else.
And if they go to the NO Bowl they can wear their p&g crap!
Re: Moon Griffon Ripping Tech Today
Originally Posted by
Cajun Monkee
That Moon is a great guy? With some hesitation.
Moon and I have sons the same age I have talked to him at a few baseball tournaments. He is a good guy I would never question anyone admitting so.