Demolition of old Baker and Old Huger started this past Wednesday afternoon. They didn't waste any time. This is what it looked like on June 11, 2011. On Monday September 5, both buildings were standing with minimal demolition accomplished.
<a href="" title="huger-baker-bonin by ddnaomi, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="193" alt="huger-baker-bonin"></a>
This is the remains of old Baker Hall on Friday September 9, 2011
<a href="" title="baker-demo-1 by cpsengineering, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="325" alt="baker-demo-1"></a>
Demolition of old Huger Hall on Friday September 9, 2011. The crane in the background is lifting materials for new Huger Hall on Tulane Ave.
<a href="" title="huger-demo-1 by cpsengineering, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="318" alt="huger-demo-1"></a>
The remains of Baker-Huger on September 10, 2011
<a href="" title="baker-huger-ramains-1 by cpsengineering, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="168" alt="baker-huger-ramains-1"></a>
The approximate location of the entrance to Baker Huger. Buchanan Hall is to the rear.
<a href="" title="baker-huger-demo2 by cpsengineering, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="276" alt="baker-huger-demo2"></a>
The only building still standing that is scheduled for demolition is Bonin Hall. I suspect it won't be long although I saw that they had the top floor windows in Bonin sealed off like they were doing more asbestos remediation work.