Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
. . . the only way to certainly avoid legal liability would be to go back to prohibition . . . oh, that seems to be the common thread in the actions taken by MH . . . however, with history, we all know how that worked . . .
. . . alcohol is in all of societies intrenched methods which forms the customs and usages for entertainment, especially in the South, especially in Louisiana and even more especially in Lafayette, Louisiana . . . a bar without alcohol is no bar at all, a restaurant without alcohol is no restaurant at all, a wedding reception without alcohol is no wedding reception at all, an engagement party with no alcohol is no engagement party at all, a good fundraiser or any fundraiser without alcohol is no fundraiser at all, a client entertainment function with no alcohol is no entertainment function at all . . . a tailgate with no alcohol is no tailgate at all . . . A Sorority or Frat party with no alcohol is no party at all . . . and before we know it, none of us will be allowed to drink at tailgates and sporting events . . .
. . . regarding the concept of legal liability . . . sorry but the standard is reasonableness, not prohibition . . . there is no reasonableness in the concept that all must be punished for the actions of the few . . . that is back to prohibition . . . if this will ever work again, it will have to go back to the way it was pre 90’s where the organizations who do a poor job of policing their own reasonableness get penalized and depending on the gravity of the infraction, even the death penalty for that organization . . . what is happening now is the death penalty for Louisiana future attendance without yet a violation . . . C’mon man . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
JMV JustMyView
Once again why doesn't the administration support the students?
The University supports the students academically. That's the purpose of the University. We can agree and disagree all we want but Martin Hall is who makes the decisions. These threads are good discussion of the problems and some solutions that may help.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
. . . the only way to certainly avoid legal liability would be to go back to prohibition . . . oh, that seems to be the common thread in the actions taken by MH . . . however, with history, we all know how that worked . . .
. . . alcohol is in all of societies intrenched methods which forms the customs and usages for entertainment, especially in the South, especially in Louisiana and even more especially in Lafayette, Louisiana . . . a bar without alcohol is no bar at all, a restaurant without alcohol is no restaurant at all, a wedding reception without alcohol is no wedding reception at all, and engagement party with no alcohol is no engagement party at all, a gold fundraiser ar any fundraiser without alcohol is no fundraiser at all, a client entertainment function with no alcohol is no entertainment function at all . . . a tailgate with no alcohol is no tailgate at all . . . A Sorority or Frat party with no alcohol is no party at all . . .
. . . regarding the concept of legal liability . . . sorry but the standard is reasonableness, not prohibition . . . there is no reasonableness in the concept that all must be punished for the actions of the few . . . that is back to prohibition . . . if this will ever work again, it will have to go back to the way it was pre 90’s where the organizations who do a poor job of policing their own reasonableness get penalized and depending on the gravity of the infraction, even the death penalty for that organization . . . what is happening now is the death penalty for Louisiana future attendance without yet a violation . . . C’mon man . . .
Holy crap...
Pigs have flown! Hell has frozen over! (for the first time since 2009) CajunVic made a REAL contribution to RaginPagin!!!!!!!
Well said, ya ole creeper ;)
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
This thread has officially gone off the rails.
None of these threads have rails
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Heidie Lindsey: "Reminder! No drinking games of any kind at the tailgate and your ice chest must say "Over 21."
UL Frats/Sors: "What? Why? We've always been able to do that?"
Heidie Lindsey: "Because we said so."
UL Frat/Sors: "Well that's dumb. We'll just stay at our houses and play games."
Heidie Lindsey: "No, its family day and you need to be at the game! No excuses!"
UL Frat/Sors: "Tailgating is PART of the game and you're ruining it for us. We'd rather just have fun with friends at our houses."
Heidie Lindsey: "That's it! No one is allowed at the greek houses on gameday!"
UL Frat/Sors: "But, uh.. we.. PAY.. to live there, soooo?"
Heidie Lindsey: "Well not this Saturday you don't! And we'll have University Police standing at the doors to make sure you don't try to sneak in, you disgusting little pervs! I love Joe BIDENNNN!"
Basically how that went..
This is gold
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Don't know, but it appears he has been under the thumb of MH more lately.
Probably tired of that shock collar going off …..
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
None of these threads have rails
The Bird would like to know, is this the rail you speak of . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
#FreeTheGreeks T-Shirts
Where you at Absolutely! Embroidery?!
Now that's a great idea! Let's take the one spot that makes quality merchandise and have them risk getting their license pulled. Take the blinders off and look at the full situation and possible outcomes. You really are the smartest man in the room.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
I'm hearing the University is showing signs of backing down. But their tactic is to act like nothing ever happened and the mob made a big deal out of nothing. I think many of us here know that isn't the case.
In all seriousness, how can we rally the fanbase to make light of this situation?
I am 100% down for anything we decide. We have been organizing private letter writing and email campaigns for years. It’s time to embarrass these f‘s publicly. Don’t let these damn snakes in the grass hide any more.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
If there are no students, I would like to propose a Ragin Pagin meetup on the front row, during the game.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Martin Hall, as usual, is doing their best to kill the future donor base, or more accurately to abort it in the third trimester. Since 1973 virtually every decision from Martin Hall affecting student and/or alumni engagement with the University has been to discourage engagement. When all us old geezers [I am class off 1974] are gone, MH will look around and see no donors and no fans ..... and promptly blame the few that remain for the demise of the donor/fan base.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Heidie Lindsey: "Reminder! No drinking games of any kind at the tailgate and your ice chest must say "Over 21."
UL Frats/Sors: "What? Why? We've always been able to do that?"
Heidie Lindsey: "Because we said so."
UL Frat/Sors: "Well that's dumb. We'll just stay at our houses and play games."
Heidie Lindsey: "No, its family day and you need to be at the game! No excuses!"
UL Frat/Sors: "Tailgating is PART of the game and you're ruining it for us. We'd rather just have fun with friends at our houses."
Heidie Lindsey: "That's it! No one is allowed at the greek houses on gameday!"
UL Frat/Sors: "But, uh.. we.. PAY.. to live there, soooo?"
Heidie Lindsey: "Well not this Saturday you don't! And we'll have University Police standing at the doors to make sure you don't try to sneak in, you disgusting little pervs! I love Joe BIDENNNN!"
Basically how that went..
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis
Wonder if that book is allowed on campus…
God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)
This proposed boot to the throat move reminds me of the “Pro American Ralley” at Martin Hall in ‘79, called such where there was no Iranian Protest to the hostage crisis. Hand picked speakers, pre approved speeches nothing inflammatory.
But hey, a couple of Middle Eastern dudes went fist city anyway, much to the dismay of MH.
As Solomon said, “there’s nothing new under the sun”.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Wonder if that book is allowed on campus…
They would have burned it but there's a statewide barbecue ban
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Now that's a great idea! Let's take the one spot that makes quality merchandise and have them risk getting their license pulled. Take the blinders off and look at the full situation and possible outcomes. You really are the smartest man in the room.
Thanks for proving our point that the administration is the gestapo. Actively looking to shut down anything that isn't under their control. Honestly. Your takes have kinda made you the "not smartest" person in the room. Have you ever held an independent thought apart from the administration? Serious question.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis
Mere Christianity or screwtape letters?
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Now that's a great idea! Let's take the one spot that makes quality merchandise and have them risk getting their license pulled. Take the blinders off and look at the full situation and possible outcomes. You really are the smartest man in the room.
Anyone who took that very obvious joke seriously is a blithering idiot. Not surprising that you did. You have a sense of humor on par with Joe Scaroborough.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Martin Hall, as usual, is doing their best to kill the future donor base, or more accurately to abort it in the third trimester. Since 1973 virtually every decision from Martin Hall affecting student and/or alumni engagement with the University has been to discourage engagement. When all us old geezers [I am class off 1974] are gone, MH will look around and see no donors and no fans ..... and promptly blame the few that remain for the demise of the donor/fan base.
And cjr3888 will still be here defending them.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Martin Hall, as usual, is doing their best to kill the future donor base, or more accurately to abort it in the third trimester. Since 1973 virtually every decision from Martin Hall affecting student and/or alumni engagement with the University has been to discourage engagement. When all us old geezers [I am class off 1974] are gone, MH will look around and see no donors and no fans ..... and promptly blame the few that remain for the demise of the donor/fan base.
It's already happening. All you have to do is look at the people they're (the admin) sending out to excuse this or lie about it. It's ALWAYS the fans fault.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
And cjr3888 will still be here defending them.
I don't recall defending anyone but continue with the blinders. I've pointed out both sides and offered some possible solutions.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Thanks for proving our point that the administration is the gestapo. Actively looking to shut down anything that isn't under their control. Honestly. Your takes have kinda made you the "not smartest" person in the room. Have you ever held an independent thought apart from the administration? Serious question.
Why yes I have. Go look and see that I haven't defended the Administration anywhere when it comes to this decision. Make sure to finish everyone in that circle jerk you, MAT, and some others have going on.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
Students go where the drinking is.. We used to drive to BR on Saturdays because LSU's student tailgating was a free for all. We weren't there supporting LSU -- never attended a game -- we were there because it was a wild college party in every direction.
Then come to Cajun Field and wander around the parking lot , and if you manage to get your hands on a beer there's plenty of cops to write you an MIP.
It's amazing to watch a university named Louisiana Ragin Cajuns lean so hard away from everything that that name would imply.
This. I went across the basin a few times as a HS senior and as a freshman in college to hang out with friends at a frat tailgate. $10 got us a wristband to drink from the kegs and ski shots.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
The Bird has been solicited to provide the following message from the inside . . .
Dean Lindsay and Perez are everything that's wrong with UL's student life and Greek life system. Over the years they have made decisions that have hamstrung UL's Greek Life, particularly the fraternities constantly.
Dean Lindsay to start things off got kicked out of Miss State Greek Life after the Miss State Greek Alums ran her off because she was destroying their Greek Life. That is who we are dealing with first and foremost. Why UL thought it was a good idea to hire her to run student life and oversee Greek Life in a way is beyond me, but that is Martin Hall at its finest.
I am also not sure why everyone is so shocked at why we keep having issues on a constant basis with these two. The issue is a clear culture difference. Everyone has to realize that the inner workings, administration, of universities are extremely left leaning and liberal. Fraternities are the exact opposite of that. When you have one side creating the policies for the other and their cultures are so wildly different you will get the issues we have today.
They have been bad in the past with fraternities, but I believe 2017 is where they got their chance to really crack down on fraternities as a whole. In 2017 Max Gruver died at LSU, which was horrific and terrible. This happened on a Thursday and on Monday they called a "Student Leader Meeting" to discuss the events over the weekend with us. You were better off calling this a "Bash UL Frats Meeting"
They spent the entire meeting publicly bashing fraternities, telling the sorority girls to go to our houses for events / parties and report back to them everything they saw. They even publicly said at this meeting this also goes for the NPHC's organizations which are the African-American frats / sororities. I recall their members openly laughing after the meeting at the fact they said this because they knew they can't police them whatsoever.
The result of this meeting? 5 / 10 of the frats on campus were suspended the very next week. Students pay to join these organizations for a variety of reasons, but the most fun and main aspects are to participate in tailgating / homecoming. When you suspend half the organizations and drag your feet for a month to "investigate" you will get some frustration because they interfered with us participating in those events. Social? Gone! Bus Trip? Gone! Tailgates? Gone! Semi-Formal? Gone! All while they "investigate".
Covid got them off the hook a little bit with people forgetting about them, but my God these people are DESTROYING Greek Life at UL. It is something every single year. I am doing nothing, but pointing out the obvious as well. I am glad this is finally coming to peoples' attention about how bad they are at their jobs of helping grow Greek Life which should entirely be the point of their job.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Originally Posted by
It's already happening. All you have to do is look at the people they're (the admin) sending out to excuse this or lie about it. It's ALWAYS the fans fault.
It is their regular MO; taken directly from Chairman Mao.