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This is what I understand happened with Fletcher Hall. To make a long story short. The award of the design of Fletcher Hall was an open competition amongst Architectural firms in an attempt to get more competition. The winning design was selected as the building you see today. They used many different types of construction techniques and processes in an attempt to illustrate to the students what can be done in a building. It is in essence, a laboratory for the Architecture students. Unfortunately, during the course of construction, the budget got busted. The central courtyard was to have a sky light and be an indoor space. Because of the cost over run, they left the skylight out of the project. Soooo all the doors and stairs in the central courtyard that were supposed to be inside are now outside. Anybody want to guess how long an interior door will last in an exterior environment? The result is, the building is a maintenance nightmare in addition to not blending in with the remaining buildings on campus. The building is a great example for the students as to how NOT to do a project. You might also note that there is no plaque on the building to Identify the architect, contractor or any of the responsible parties involved in the design and construction of the building. In short, the building is just wrong on many levels. If anybody else has anything to add or correct please do so because all of what I posted is from memory.