Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
Originally Posted by
I hear your dog whistle.
I love the proxy....we all know what you meant to time you should say what you feel in your heart.
It's embarrassing.....yes, but adults have taken a mistake in judgement by kids and got all wrapped up in their emotions and politics. Boy...we sure know how to cut our nose to spite our face.
Great job adults....great job.
Come on Geaux, this isn't about thugs or gangsters but addressing something that was blatantly disrespectful. I've stated that I know most of those athletes in that locker room and I consider most of them good kids by any standard. But they only represent a portion of the athletes in that locker room and those they don't agree with their world views were also in that same locker room.
Most of those kids are getting information from the music and culture icons they follow. So their opinions are influenced by JZ, Beyoncé , Little Wayne, YG & Nipsey Hussle and others artist that are anti-social, anti-white and anti-conservative period. They aren't forming their opinions on what they've heard Trump say or his abrasive comments, they follow the lead from the pop culture they embrace and hell, many of the left's top candidates have been elected using the same type of rhetoric or worse like Sheila Jackson, Keith Ellison, Allan Grayson and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Again, our coach should have never allowed his athletes to plug in music from their phones, they have the freedom of the own headsets and in their locker. Not everyone in the locker room listens too or enjoys that type of music and political rhetoric.
It's a shame our HC is just now making policy against any music genres or artist that is profane and divisive.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
Originally Posted by
Kid Cajun
Time for me to come out of the shadows and weigh in as the voice of reason.
1. If there was not a problem in the locker room this would have never come out. That's on Hud.
2. Disappointing to see the players acting like this in the facility that was paid for by the boosters. Thats's on Hud.
3. You are naive if you do not think that some of these kids/players/young adults/men/fathers don't act like this in their private lives from time to time. They were rapping/dancing to a song that apparently a lot of people are playing. As Pope Francis would say, "who am I to judge," that is unless they do it where I can see and they represent my university. Can I forgive them, yes if they ask for forgiveness. Coach Hud has to find talent to play on the field and hopefully that talent will be in form of decent PEOPLE, yes they are all people whether black, white, asian, hispanic and the all deserve respect but also must be held accountable.
4. Hud screwed up. He brought up politics and insulted a lot of people. He could have taken the high road and it would be over but he brought it up and opened himself up to all the criticism and he deserves every bit of it. That's on Hud.
5. Hud tried to apologize for what he said but apparently needs someone to write his talking points because if he says what he really thinks he just digs himself deeper but seems to finally have sincerely apologized on Monday at the press luncheon whether he wrote it or someone wrote it for him.
6. This is not about the kids. Never has been. It's about Coach Hud. It's about the environment some perceive as him allowing in his program which is a little unfair because 50 seconds can't really show us what that is truly like. It's about a coach that has an excuse for everything including blaming a facility for a loss at home and then going on to have a losing season.
7. Someone asked today, "I've forgiven Hud for this, can we go back to criticizing him for being a losing coach?"
This! Thanks
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
Originally Posted by
True perspective, good apologies T.
No need to apologize to me Geaux, I'm someone that has stuck his foot in his mouth as well. I know you are a diehard Cajun fan. That's good enough for me.
Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video
IMHO it is time is to put this to bed on this forum. Everyone seems to have forgiven the kids, and I personally am satisfied that Hud has (finally) said the right things in the presser yesterday. Everyone has had time to say their peace. Right now there just seems to be some on this forum that are now kind of using this to discuss the politics involved. Personally, I think that this is counter-productive and is basically just beating a dead horse. In the past, Ragin Pagin has been pretty close to free of the political divisiveness that is prevalent in society today. I believe that this is a good thing. There are plenty of venues to discuss all of the political stuff. So it is my opinion that it would be better to let this one go. Before anyone starts to lecture me on free speech and the like, I am not suggesting that there be any censorship, only that maybe RP would be better served if we let this one go.
Just my 2 cents worth.