I ride my bike in the same area (typically about the same route.) And because of the summer heat and because I'm usually too busy during the day I usually ride late at night as well. Even at a late hour you'll see lots of bike riders, walkers, and runners during a ride. Even with what happened with Mickey that area is safe. And I really don't think it was crazy for her to ride her bike through a really safe neighborhood with a can of mace in her pocket late at night. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a very bad man happened to be driving by.
If Mickey hadn't rode her bike home that night Brandon Lavergne wouldn't have stopped. He would would have continued to look for another victim. And eventually he would have found some other girl who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time just like Mickey. And then everyone would be talking about how that girl was crazy to go running in a neighborhood/leave her drink unattended at a bar/stop and help a motorist on the side of the road, etc.
Everything we do in life is a risk. The risk of dying in a car accident is pretty damn high but that's a risk we are all willing to take. The risk of getting heart disease from eating bad food is even higher but almost all of us do it anyway. Mickey definitely took a risk by riding her bike home. But it wasn't any more outrageous than the risks I mention above.