A Sorry View from the Leesville Daily Leader
<blockquote><p align=justify><b>Can't run with the big dogs with only two legs</b>
There is a long-standing argument among football fans in Louisiana about where their favorite college football team belongs in the status of collegiate sports.
I'm here to tell you that I have a solution for all the questions that you have pondered all season long.
Although you may disagree with me, I think there should only be three Louisiana universities playing Division I-A football. Those being LSU, Tulane and Louisiana Tech. When it comes to the rest of the colleges, it's time to call 'em like I see 'em.
I am all for getting the big payday when taking a beating from the likes of LSU, Auburn or Miami, but for pete's sake, will Louisiana-Lafayette and Louisiana-Monroe please go back down to Division I-AA where you belong.
Louisiana is not large enough to handle five Division I-A programs, and frankly, neither of those teams has proven it belongs in the big time. In fact, since they have moved up to football highest competitive level, the fans have been robbed of good football games. Who the heck wants to see UL-Lafayette being pounded by mediocre Division I-A teams? I don't.
<center><p><a href="http://www.leesvilledailyleader.com/articles/2003/11/29/sports/sports5.txt">The rest of the story</a>
By Brian Trahan/Sports Editor<!--
Imagine how the alumni feel.
UL-Monroe is awful as a Division I-A program. All they've done since leaving I-AA is pad the bank account and drive the fans away in droves.
Remember when state rivalries meant something? I want the days of McNeese and the Ragin' Cajuns meeting once a year back. I can recall as a kid attending the game and being blown away by the enthusiasm built for the rivalry and the hatred spewed toward each team by the visiting fans.
It was classic baby.
Louisiana Tech and Northwestern State once played a State Fair Classic in Shreveport and was it every popular with football fans in this area and in Ruston.
As an alumnus, or just a casual fan, would you rather see the Cajuns play McNeese or North Texas? Would you rather see UL-Monroe be pummeled by Auburn or battle against Tech -- one of the most fierce rivalries in football history.
It's really not a good situation that those historical battles don't take place any longer. I mean how excited can Tech fans be about playing Boise State in a conference rivalry? Do you think Cajun fans really get fired up for a matchup against some college nobody has ever heard of?
University athletic departments have become too involved in making money, instead of doing what's right for the student-athlete and alumni. No matter how badly UL-Lafayette wants to be "the Louisiana university," it won't happen. It won't happen for ULM and it won't happen for Tech.
Louisiana is only large enough for one major university in football ... and LSU has flourished. Tech and Tulane have gained respect and should remain in the large division. But I think UL-Lafayette and UL-Monroe should re-join the Southland Conference in Division I-AA.
That's where those teams belong and where they would actually compete. I don't know how good the Cajuns are doing by winning one or two games every season. You would think after 10 or 15 years of losing, they would get the hint.
Like my old grandpappy used to say, you can't dress your dog up in a dress and heels and make her Homecoming Queen. Someone will find out.
You cannot make a Division I-A team out of I-AA talent every year.
To you ... university presidents -- less is more. Rewind the clocks baby and let's get this state rivalry thing going again. I know as a sports writer and a football fan, I would love it.
Take a hint from McNeese, a big fish in a small pond ain't so bad.