Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Guys....the name thing IS important.....there is one Hell of a lot more than that in this report.....
---One thing I didn't like too much (now it could just be the New Orleans in me) but every game is Mardi Gras---Is he working for the Greenies also? Seems like a better fit!!!
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
The name is a big issue... but if we somehow miraculously got the name tomorrow, and failed to follow through on the rest of the recommended actions in the report, all we will have done is gotten a name we like on our athletic tombstone.
And if we follow through with the rest of the report, the name will cease to be an important issue, because people will call us what we want, or we will be so happy with our success that we don't care about the name any more..
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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"Win and they will call you what you want"
-J. Kelly Hall (RIP)
Hard to argue with Coach.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
I think we should call ourselves University of Youngsville. UY, YU, or U-YOU.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Guys....the name thing IS important.....there is one Hell of a lot more than that in this report.....
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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---Just wondering about some points to be addressed and how we would enact it----Some examples from you guys---do we have the money or any other needed resources for action???
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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---Just wondering about some points to be addressed and how we would enact it<p>Some examples from you guys---do we have the money or any other needed resources for action???
Boomer, it isn't a question about whether we can afford to do it, but about we can't afford NOT to do it. Just like I have been telling you for years; none of these actions are expenses, they are investments.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Many on this board will agree that if we can't get our name right, if we can't even decide what to call ourselves, how we brand ourselves, then we are screwed from the "get go". I submitted this ideal years ago. We need to get out of the Louisiana name battle and attack from a totally different angle. ULM, LA Tech, LSU, Lafayette,'s all exhausting.
Are you ready? ACADIANA UNIVERSITY. The Acadiana Ragin' Cajuns.. ARC. No more confusion with Lafayette Leopards. No more "you guys are in Monroe right?" It sets us apart. It will take time but will work. There is no other Acadiana, no other Ragin' Cajuns. Do it.
That would have more bite and regional identity if it were "Universitč des Acądian"
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Guys....the name thing IS important.....there is one Hell of a lot more than that in this report.....
I agree. But the way I see it is that there is so much that could reviewed and discussed that's hard to see how we should break it down to do so. Don't know if there is a better way, but here are the 8 recommendations that are classified in the 'immediate' timeframe. Maybe we can start with these?
UL ICA Analysis Project Strategic Recommendations
I. Formulate staffing plan to position UL to compete successfully.
II. Create a competitive marketplace for expanded UL programming and set the stage for bringing in a multimedia agency to maximize revenues and resources
a. RFP for Multimedia Rights by selecting a multimedia agency to collaborate on media agreements and sponsorships
Maybe I'm wrong, but I was always taught in English that you don't have an "a" item if you don't also have at least a "b" item, lol.
III. Communication Strategy for UL Leadership with Peer/Aspirational Schools/Conferences.
IV. Begin a new, pure Priority Seating Program/Point System
Seems to me we are already doing this
V. Develop 6 Year Institutional Support Plan (% of ICA Budget)
FY17 52% --- FY18 52% --- FY19 50% FY20 45% --- FY21 43% --- FY22 40% FY23 35% --- FY24 30%
Very relevant, IMHO, especially given all the discussion recently about HB 4971
VI. Develop a formalize Internship Program to include marketing, development, game operations, and ticketing
To me ths seems like a relatively easy one to get done
VII. Develop and implement a comprehensive football season ticket Marketing and Sales Campaign
Another pretty easy one, IMHO.
VIII. Develop and implement a comprehensive football Game Day Operations and Marketing Master Plan
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Boomer, it isn't a question about whether we can afford to do it, but about we can't afford NOT to do it. Just like I have been telling you for years; none of these actions are expenses, they are investments.
---So if the funding isn't there, you do what---that was my question of what can be done now that the money is there for??? I don't think that the school can take out a loan and gamble for success like a business can! The only people that will work for free are Beau and I!!! lol
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Well they don't own both, let's do Louis. I take that everyday and twice on Sundays, Louis is better, then LOU, According to this no one has the LOUIS acronym.
Why are we so worried about LOU anyway, you have colleges with the same acronym. USC (South Carolina, Soufhern California), ASU (Alabama State, Alcorn State), AU(American, Auburn). UA ( Arizone, Alabama) MSU ( Michigan St., Mississippi St.) etc. y'all get my point.
I actually prefer LOUIS that was my first choice
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
In the early 60's the Post Office did Louisiana a favor by standardizing the abbreviation to La.
Sometime later they did it again with the move to LA (all caps)
LA perfect for Louisiana, perfect for the ticker. Not confused with L.A.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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I think you mean Southside University.
You are on your game.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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---So if the funding isn't there, you do what---that was my question of what can be done now that the money is there for??? I don't think that the school can take out a loan and gamble for success like a business can! The only people that will work for free are Beau and I!!! lol
Boomer... we're going to make UL great again. We're going to win so much that you're going to get tired of winning. We're going to build a fence around Louisiana and we're going to make Texas, Mississippi and Arkansas pay for it. Ok?
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
Edit: Using the acronym UL. -Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (Albert Einstein). We can expect more of the same from the Media and Sunbelt Conference, while breaking the law.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting dfferent result (Albert Einstein). We can expect more of the same from the Media and Sunbelt Conference, while breaking the law.
. "Louisiana" does not break the Law, never did.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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LOU is Louisville....
----All this time I thought it was YOU!!! lol
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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Boomer... we're going to make UL great again. We're going to win so much that you're going to get tired of winning. We're going to build a fence around Louisiana and we're going to make Texas, Mississippi and Arkansas pay for it. Ok?
If we are gonna be Trump does that make the school in Ruston "Lyin Tech"?
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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No I was referring to the term UL.
No one is prohibited from using the term "UL" except for the school, it does not mean the media (local or national) can't use it. This also does not mean that the school can not push to have the term used by the media and fans.
Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics
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No I was referring to the term UL.
Well in that case I agree with you :)