Can probably save a lot of money using less brick. Bricks can be attractive but expensive. Allocate those construction monies inside the stadium. For lots of reasons its ashamed inflation is out of hand right now.
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Can probably save a lot of money using less brick. Bricks can be attractive but expensive. Allocate those construction monies inside the stadium. For lots of reasons its ashamed inflation is out of hand right now.
If not brick than what? Stucco, stone, or concrete are the only other options. Unless you want siding or metal.
Needs to be like the San Jose Earthquakes we need a bar, with a standing area, and add something for the kids. In NEZ
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I would go as far as opening it up before the game where people can hang out, and pushing ticketing in the stadium on the side so they wouldn’t even really have to walk they would be already in the stadium.
Also you wouldn’t have to walk to the baseball stadium, if most people are parking across from Cajun Field. They could just hang out there.
As long as we don't copy Baylor's McLane Stadium.
Someone thought it was a good idea to place tarp with printed brick on the walls of the stadium.
The more “aesthetically pleasing”, the more maintenance is needed. Look no further than Fletcher Hall or the parish parking garage of aesthetically pleasing train wrecks.
Baylor and the fake brick…what an embarrassment. Double wide mentality.
I understand that there is a high level meeting about the stadium this week. Sounded like the “go ahead” may be given. Anyone else heard this?
When's the meeting on attendance and game day issues? Probably next August 31st...
I'm starting to think that spending 60 million + on a stadium for a school that it's own administration, UL alumni and students, Lafayette, and the surrounding parishes refuse to support is not a wise decision. But that's just me.