wow, thanks.
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wow, thanks.
wow, a club I was in used to always have a table set up at that corner trying to get new members, I wonder if we were doing that and we hosted them to play if it would have been allowed? of course I was ten years before that article....
Your view is totally wrong, it has nothing to do with the guy named Trump, but a head coach venting anger at the customers paying his salary to make him the highest paid loser in the country.
As for donors not liking what the students did? I'm not sure, not even mostly sure they would not have been as offered if a bunch of athletes did that about Hilary, but regardless left leaning donors few that they are would say the same.
This program would shut down if all the donors who felt like suspending their donations stopped. They are embarrassed to be associated with this thuggish performance.
So talk about a flaccid fan it would be you, as you're ready to chunk everything because you are upset about other people deciding what they should do with their disposable income.
I hear your dog whistle.
I love the proxy....we all know what you meant to time you should say what you feel in your heart.
It's embarrassing.....yes, but adults have taken a mistake in judgement by kids and got all wrapped up in their emotions and politics. Boy...we sure know how to cut our nose to spite our face.
Great job adults....great job.
Don't worry I will absolutely plainly say exactly what is in my heart. Today, a large majority of young people follow and copy what the gansta, and tugs do. Doesn't mean they are tugs, only that is where pop culture is today.
In my youth it was the guys with leather jackets, and greased back hair, and it grew to stinky dirty, bearded hippies. Today if you don't have a liter of ink on your body you are in the minority. It is okay to evaluate their behavior based on who they mimic.
You're right, lasting impressions are created within thirty seconds. People can continue to pretend it doesn't matter, or that it is easily overcome. I doubt it is easily changed Always strive to make a great first impression.
Regardless I wasn't offended by the players, but I can absolutely see how some might be. Just a bad thing in a locker room.
Another liberal hack using his programmed tactics. Who the hell are you to tell others what Express "meant"? It's amazing how you people feel entitled to "interpret" what other grown men are "actually saying".
It's instances like this that have divided our country so absolutely on issues..
Time for me to come out of the shadows and weigh in as the voice of reason.
1. If there was not a problem in the locker room this would have never come out. That's on Hud.
2. Disappointing to see the players acting like this in the facility that was paid for by the boosters. Thats's on Hud.
3. You are naive if you do not think that some of these kids/players/young adults/men/fathers don't act like this in their private lives from time to time. They were rapping/dancing to a song that apparently a lot of people are playing. As Pope Francis would say, "who am I to judge," that is unless they do it where I can see and they represent my university. Can I forgive them, yes if they ask for forgiveness. Coach Hud has to find talent to play on the field and hopefully that talent will be in form of decent PEOPLE, yes they are all people whether black, white, asian, hispanic and the all deserve respect but also must be held accountable.
4. Hud screwed up. He brought up politics and insulted a lot of people. He could have taken the high road and it would be over but he brought it up and opened himself up to all the criticism and he deserves every bit of it. That's on Hud.
5. Hud tried to apologize for what he said but apparently needs someone to write his talking points because if he says what he really thinks he just digs himself deeper but seems to finally have sincerely apologized on Monday at the press luncheon whether he wrote it or someone wrote it for him.
6. This is not about the kids. Never has been. It's about Coach Hud. It's about the environment some perceive as him allowing in his program which is a little unfair because 50 seconds can't really show us what that is truly like. It's about a coach that has an excuse for everything including blaming a facility for a loss at home and then going on to have a losing season.
7. Someone asked today, "I've forgiven Hud for this, can we go back to criticizing him for being a losing coach?"
Kid Cajun, you should post more.
I was neither offended or intimidated. I was ashamed. I was ashamed that people could associate me with the people that were on that video doing what they were doing. This is not about free speech. Please, please nobody tell me about free speech. Did I vote for Trump? Yes. Would I be as embarrassed about this video if they were yelling the same thing about Hillary? Yes. When you have a bunch of half naked and naked young men getting jiggy to a tune that denigrates someone else and that is shown on video in your own locker room, you are a representative of something larger. You rep your team and your school and now our school and program are associated with such actions. Its not about damned free speech. Its about conducting yourself in an appropriate manner. If you don't feel there is anything wrong with that manner, you should allow others to exercise their right to free speech in calling you a moron. (And by "you", I'm not talking directly at you per se but anyone who keeps using the free speech defense)
I respect someones right to free speech and their message will go much further with me, and most I suspect, if that message is delivered in a manner appropriate to being a college student athlete.