Re: 5 more Ragin' Cajuns Qualify for NCAA Regional meet
I do not know a whole bunch about the current track and field but I can say that a few years back I initiated pressure washing the stadium! I went to the head coach after we finished the baseball pressure washing and painting. Gerald then got involved and painting of the restrooms, concessions, floors painted and tiled, offices refurbished, UL logos placed on concrete and stadium walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I certainly enjoyed getting involved and I feel more of us need to do the same. I am sure we could do some sort of cook off/boiled crawfish/crabs and a bike-a-thon that could raise some monies this SUMMER!!
Hey if we raise $5,000 this Summer for whatever the coaches need that would be a great place to start.
Emails to send invitations
Early morning news, news paper, and radio shows to advertise more....
Sponsors at $250 a piece with each person getting involved raising $ much could be raised....????
T-Shirts could be made up ......... Cajun Summer Trek '07!!!
Re: 5 more Ragin' Cajuns Qualify for NCAA Regional meet
Originally Posted by VObserver
_ Until you fix the total lack of a throws coach, which can only be addressed by University Money, not booster money, you are p*ssing into the wind. Throwers we used to routinely get here are now going to Northwestern, Nicholls, SLU and McNeese, NOT because we don't recruit them, but because they KNOW we have no one to coach them when they get here, and all those schools have decent to outstanding throws coaches.
I don't know the new jumps coach. Well, I know her, but don't know anything about her as a coach. I do know that the women who scored were good enought to score before she got here, so I'm not giving her credit for developing them, though I will give her credit for keeping them motivated.
None of the other programs you mentioned are paying assistants with booster money. That money goes to travel and equipment.
Oh, and if you expect me to believe you are knowlegable about UL track, at least spell Coach Lancon's name right. _
Throws? Excuse me, but no UL track team ever made it to any NCAA meet in throwing events. Kinda like the worse part of track is FIELD. ARHHHH!
Re: UL's Arceneaux hopes to shine at conference
Originally Posted by NewsCopy
_ _
Nice article for an athlete who is jumping ship and transferring to a Texas school. He's seen enough of the tight discipline, exceptional workouts teaching running strategy and increased chances for breaking 10-flat in the 100-meters. Good ridance. Northside has yet to produce anyone of merit in track & field. Perhaps the Texas school can break that string. the best of luck to the 2nd smart`(The 1st quit and went to LSU 2 years ago when he saw the writing on the wall.) Now we see chapter two of the saga.
Re: 5 more Ragin' Cajuns Qualify for NCAA Regional meet
Originally Posted by cajuntrack
_ <p align=justify>I have to say as a current UL track athlete, we did better competing this year at conference. We may have gotten last AGAIN but we did have some people qualify for regionals, which we are very proud of. We scored more points than last year and I know that is not good enough but we did try. We want to do better and I think we improved. Maybe not to some peoples standards but we improved on individual standards. We improved on our own abilities and we also improved our interaction with each other as a team. To be honest, we were a TEAM this year. We cheered each other on and ACTED as a TEAM and that was something that we wanted to change and honestly something that we needed. WE as a TEAM accomplished that. In the past years, we haven't smiled at conference but this year there were many smiles. We were so happy for each other and what we all had accomplished. Coming out last did not make us smile but in the end, it really did not matter b/c we were a team for once. We may have come out last but we came out first within each other and excelled at our own personal standards.
We have had a lot of people on our team who have struggled and fallen, but they got back up and fought. For instance, we had a guy run the 10,000 who has been dealing with a stress fracture in his foot for a while now and he pushed it in conference to do well. That is heart! Also, on the sprinter side we had Stacy Fuller who came down with a hamstring injury during the season and GOT BACK UP and qualified for Regionals. He is an amazing athlete with great potential and he will do very well in his college career. He is an inspiration to our team. Also on the sprinter side is _____ ____ who has dealt with many injuries. She is pretty much the most stubborn but has much heart in what she does. She has been dealing with an injured foot due to multiple stress fractures for the past 3 months. That injury did not stop her because throughout the last 3 months she has improved her time. She ran the 400m in conference but during the race her foot gave out but she finished the race. That is heart! She was supposed to anchor the 4x4 too and usually she is the alternate that steps up for the team when something goes wrong. She is always there and willing. That is heart! Kayla Vice, on the other hand, won conference in the pole vault. She has overcome a torn ACL and a sprained ankle and this is all in 2 years. When she messed up her ankle last year, there was a chance she wasn't going to be able to pole vault ever again. Well, she proved that wrong and came back strong and healthy for conference and unbelievably won! Her heart is so big and her goal was to win. She overcame everything and accomplished what she wanted. A gold medal! Luke Moody, after struggling from his injury last year, decreased his time every meet and finished out his last outdoor season like he wanted. He has dealt with a lot and he has GOTTEN UP. He has one of the biggest hearts on our team. He has not missed one practice and by that shows. That’s heart! Roderick Houston, he has a hamstring problem and has been dealing with it for some time. He ran is butt off in the 4x1 relay and he played a huge role in the reason why they are going to regionals. He always said they were going to regionals and he was confident in doing so. He still has the injury too. I can keep going but we ALL have heart.
Of all the things that are posted on this site, they have made us stronger as a team. We appreciate that people care so much about our program and we hope you continue to do so. Until next year, we hope we can make our fans happier. This is only the beginning! _
I commend those who havd headed in the right direction and I have compassion for those who have not had the great collegiate expereince that those before you expereinced. If yo look at the record books, UL track was all the things you mention going back to the 1970's and maybe before. For more than 30 years, UL track was all the things you mention until coach lascon died. Sinxe then, it's been straight downhill with excuses made for those at fault. If you are an athlete at UL then you know it is more than money. A lack of discipline and organization are the first two things that stick out. When people don't go to to practice, fail to complete workouts, fail to make it to meets, bickering with one another, fail to compete and complete events entered, smart off to everyone in sight, and coaches do nothing about it, therein lies the problem. Nice guys finish last and so has UL for four years. Time for across the board changes. Stay tuned, good news is about to come your way and the way of a couple of hundred alums who have seen the fruits of their labor crumble to nothing in the past four years.