I work at B&N. I'm fairly sure the book is out of print, and we can't control what prices our used book resellers charge. That's insane.
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Looks Great......My high school PE/Football Coach was Kenneth Marsh who played on the 1971-72 squad. He is a great guy, I hope ya'll got a chance to talk to him.
Any estimate on the release date?
Friend of mine bought one for 2.00 just last week after we discovered what the prices were on amazon a few weeks ago.
holy _____ !! I know i asked ron at our fundraiser how many books he sold and he replied somewhat surprised "all of em", folks were buying them and having all the players sign them. There must only be a handful left
and on the sound, i kinda just through the trailer together on friday afternoon before i left for the beach so none of the audio is mixed by our guy, which is why the music takes a nose dive when charlie lennox speaks, but it will have some pan left and right moments. Glad it's getting a fair amount of buzz and trust me I'm as anxious as you guys to have this bad boy in the can. It has just kinda grown into something much larger on a story scale than any of us expected. If i could go back in time i would punch myself in the mouth for saying "we will be done in 18 months" by far one of the dumbest things i have ever said.
I have waited since the days when I sat next to Blacks in the classrooms and mingled at the Catholic Center---When they first ran track and eventually played in all sports---Since the days I recruited a number of Black players----While the rest were doing their knocking in Alabama, Miss, and Louisiana---WE walked the walk and never have really reaped the rewards that should go with the stand that we took as far as the Black athlete-----It is History and a part of which we can all be proud!!!
So my "Autographed, Hard copy should go for......?" This movie will be awesome and hopefully they start printing the books again! Does any of the money go to the UL Basketball Program for scholarships or something?
Ed Domingues and some other track EXes have reunions and maybe they can find out---Remnember talking to John McDonald at some---hope to see him at the ARK game!
I won't speak for Douglas and the crew but I will just say this. This project is made up of a handful of incredibly ambitious and dedicated people. In fact this group is so ambitious they've decided this film should be on the same level as other films that typically have hundreds of crew members. And as we all know it takes much longer for a handful of people to make a quality, full length film than it would take a crew with hundreds of people to make that same film.
Something has to give when you don't have the financial backing of a huge studio. You can either sacrifice quality or you can sacrifice your efficient timeline. Thankfully they've decided to sacrifice time instead of quality and as a result I think they'll have an amazing finished product. They believe in the Shipley story and they're committed to doing their best to give this story the huge audience it deserves.
What happened with that? is it coming out or has it been shelved?
Last update on facebook was Sept 11. "script draft #1 COMPLETE"
I agree. This could be one of the most important documentaries in our school's history. Very few outside of those close to the program and those hiding this information, know the true story of what happened here. I read the book and my dad was an athlete there in the early 70s and we still don't know all of what happened. I can't wait to see what new information is revealed when this is complete.
Any chance of it, when done, getting picked up by 30 for 30?
shelved...ha! i wish i had the balls to shelf this thing..or lacked the balls i have to say screw it and shelf it? im not sure which balls i would need. all i know is the current balls are grinding away.
seriously, i meet my goal of "do something" no matter how small every single day. im just a one man army for everything not "on set" as of now which slows the pace a bit but also eliminates the need for doing it twice so net gain i suppose. now i'll ramble a bit about what we/I have been doing
yes there have been changes, four big changes that have tossed a wrench in the story arc. Each time we took a step back and said hmmph, now what? I'm glad though because each change added some texture and now the story comes full circle, the team making it to the ncaa this year was kind of an added bonus. I joked with elfrid saying "im not pointing fingers but i needed the current team to be "back" could you have done it a little faster?"
When i first said 12 months, we were making a different flick, essentially slam dunked the movie, which was do able in 12 months. Once we peeled the first layer back, then the second, then the third it was obvious i couldn't make that movie and went in a different vein, one that i can stand behind and does coach and his family, the university brass, his detractors(not so much) and supporters some justice and is still a great story.
it is true that no one on camera that we talked to knows the entire story, no one. Not shipley, not cox, gomez, his haters or supporters on the hall of fame committee, not dr A, none of them know it all they just know there part. so yes we has to piece it all together, figure out who was right who was full of crap who mis remembered etc etc and that took until about 6 weeks ago.Then we went back over it all and said "We need this, do we need that? Is this clear is this confusing and what simply wont fit in a reasonable not ken burns 20 hour story line." Wrinkles still pop up here and there but they don't really change what the movie is about. What began as a conspiracy story has morphed into a very human story. One of defiance, hubris and in the end redemption along with the lingering question "when does time run out on a legacy"
I rarely update the blog for several reasons, my grammar is horrible, i hate blogging and i'd rather spend time working on the film than writing about working on the film. social media updates have been rare these days because it would be a lot of the same. Im in the phase where major developments are slower than before.
As far as getting "picked up." I am dedicating all of october getting my cards ready to be laid on the table and submitting the work in progress for the "tribeca/espn film prize" which is a 30k prize for "films in development that are character driven using sports as a backdrop." Right up my wheel house huh? Im hoping even if i dont win it should get us some eyeballs in that neck of the woods. So wish me luck that someone outside of lafayette sees the virtue in this bad boy. My deadline for submission is 11/5, so with that i leave you and begin my work day.
shelved....ha...this dude
Thanks for the update Douglas, I still hope to provide some funding once the house sells. Good luck with everything.
Thanks for the update douglas. Keep up the good work.