Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_ You people need to lay the hell off Josh. You all sound like a bunch of babies. You have NO PROOF at all to back up any arguments. Do you not understand the probation issue. Turbine you keep saying that a new coach would retain 100% but there's not certain at all. How can you make this assumption repeatedly? This is your opinion not fact. We may hire a bigger idiot and players would want to leave. You are right that we are held hostage to a certain extent but that's probation.
If some of you don't understand the apr issue, fine but it's EXTREMELY IGNORANT to call out a reliable and honest member of the media. It's despicable! Look at it from outside. Do you think a passionate fan or a media member has a more balanced viewpoint and opinion. What don't some of you get about the points he makes.
Again, no one has given a single FACT to oppose the given facts that we are under probation and face severe penalties should we lose players. Where do any of you get off talking trash about Josh. Don't confuse passion for the program for ignorance. I don't mind calling for Walkers head but the risk of cutting coaches far outweigh risk of penalties.
Sorry for banging this drum but some of you should think before completely degrading Josh's integrity.
igeaux.mobi _
Parrott wrote an opinion piece. His opinion is in the distinct minority. I'm pretty sure he knew he would take some heat when he turned it in to his editor.
This APR thing has a lot of moving parts. No one here can say we are on probation if we fire Lee. No one here can say we are in the clear if lee stays. As of now keeping Lee does not ensure anything.
What can be said is that Lee caused the APR mess and is now keeping his job because of it. I find that extremely distastefull. For the first time in my life I will not support UL basketball. Even if Lee wins next year I will not be on board. He is a bad coach and a bad evaluator of talent. He needs to go.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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_ And if they are held accountable and we fall under apr levels then what? Just seeing how you would feel if that happened. I'm honestly just getting your feel for it. Again, not that it would necessarily happen
igeaux.mobi _
I would be pretty ____ed if we fell below the APR mark but I would be more ____ed that the admin let it fall to that level. If they were so big on APR they would have not allowed the coaches to get rid of everybody a few years ago.
With that said I don't think we would have fallen under the APR mark. I read a post yesterday that if a guy transfers and they have above a 2.6 GPA it doesn't hurt your APR and if Lee is on top of these athletes like we have been told then they should all have 2.6's. Also if someone transferred I think it would have been Gradnigo and maybe Bureau because they are the only guys who have enough years left to be a valid transfer. They both have 2 years and have not used a redshirt so they could leave and sit out and not be hurt but most of the guys on this squad are props and are at a big risk if they transfer because they have to sit out and might not get their year back if they are not on track. Also I have heard the rumors that players might still leave with him here so you are risking something either way.
Anytime a coaching change is made their is a fear people will transfer but more often than not, they don't have a mass exodus.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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What can be said is that Lee caused the APR mess and is now keeping his job because of it. I find that extremely distastefull. For the first time in my life I will not support UL basketball. Even if Lee wins next year I will not be on board. He is a bad coach and a bad evaluator of talent. He needs to go. _
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Maybe that crusty old guy Don Allen will let if fly in the Independent this week? He's got nothing to lose except maybe the ten cents Mike Mitchell pays him to do the occasional UL baseball game on KADN.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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_ Also, no one has brought this up, but the precedent has been set by Jerry Baldwin on what would happen if you fire a coach who isn't winning. _
Does anyone else think that the Baldwin situation has played a role here? On the heels of that fiasco, could the university risk the negative publicity and consequences of firing two
black head coaches?
Re: Joshua Parrott Op Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_ Rhett Hebert is my cousin and he was not kicked off the team...He decided not to come back and play for Lee...Lee is a joke!!! _
Let me state my definition on this. Anyone who left because of the coach, was kickied off.
When a coach makes you feel unwelcome or makes you feel you are in a place you don't want to be, he in effect failed and through his actions or inaction kicked the player off the team.
A coach can NEVER quit recruiting players, even the ones he has, I stated so <a href="https://forumeus.com/showthread.php?t=6527&" target="_blank">HERE</a> several years ago.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_Turbine you keep saying that a new coach would retain 100% but there's not certain at all. How can you make this assumption repeatedly? This is your opinion not fact.
igeaux.mobi _
So is the opinion that Lee will do something in the coming year that he has never been able to do.
Right now Lee is given credit for a close to 1000 year that only happened because a couple players out of his realm of control came back and graduated.
This year isn't over, yet it has been projected as a done deal, and next year has not even begun.
Unless it is an open admission that Walker is a poor judge of character, the opinion that the right hire would the wrong hire is absurd at best.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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Cajun Saint
i disagree with joshua's opinion, but that's what it is, his opinion. i would have liked for him to agree with the majority on this forum and put that opinion in the paper, but he didn't. i have to remember that he has been the best friend of our athletics program at that rag of a paper that we have had in a long time. just because he does not agree with me is no reason for me to castigate him as a traitor. i look forward to more excellent coverage of cajuns athletics from him, no matter what his opinion on this matter is.
Hey guys. Thanks for the thread about me. I certainly feel the love.
As for this column, I was well-aware that my opinion would fall into the minority. Especially on this board. But I'm a big boy and can take whatever anyone else has to say. I've been in this business long enough that this isn't the first time people have disagreed with me.
I haven't received any death threats over this column, so I guess I'm lucky compared to some of my previous jobs.
While some of you might questions my "journalistic integrity" - despite the fact really none of you have any clue what it takes to do this job - I sat down and calmly and rationally evaluated the situation. I did not allow any emotion to come into it. I went on the facts I found and also considered some of my own life experiences from previously in Kansas, Texas and Tennessee.
In the end, it's just my opinion. Probably different than your opinion. But that's all it is. It's amazing that people get so frazzled based on what I think. As my parents used to say, "Joshua, you're not THAT important."
Fortunately, I don't put much stock into what other people think of me.
To each his/her own. I just find it interesting how quickly my reputation turns into mud. If I was "in bed with the university" why would I have written anything about the practice issue and suspensions of Ryan McCoy and Lamar Roberson this season? What about the suspensions of Derrick Smith, Seth Adams and Brent Burkhalter and eventual dismissals of Adams and Burkhalter? What about last year, when David Dees left the team and then later returned? What about the transfer of Elijah Millsap, who said his departure had to do with Lee?
I never said this was the perfect decision. Just said that I felt it was the lesser of two evils. And in case anyone cares, I sleep in a bed located in south Lafayette near Broussard, not at UL.
Like I've already said, I can handle the heat. Just surprised that it's getting incredibly personal. It's sad to see that some people can no longer just respectfully disagree with someone.
As for football, I travel on the team flight. To do so, we exchange advertising with the university. It's an even trade, and even if I disagreed I have no control over that decision.
Have a blessed day.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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_ What about last year, when David Dees left the team and then later returned?
One of Lee's best recruiting jobs EVER.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_ Hey guys. Thanks for the thread about me. I certainly feel the love.
As for this column, I was well-aware that my opinion would fall into the minority. Especially on this board. But I'm a big boy and can take whatever anyone else has to say. I've been in this business long enough that this isn't the first time people have disagreed with me.
I haven't received any death threats over this column, so I guess I'm lucky compared to some of my previous jobs.
While some of you might questions my "journalistic integrity" - despite the fact really none of you have any clue what it takes to do this job - I sat down and calmly and rationally evaluated the situation. I did not allow any emotion to come into it. I went on the facts I found and also considered some of my own life experiences from previously in Kansas, Texas and Tennessee.
In the end, it's just my opinion. Probably different than your opinion. But that's all it is. It's amazing that people get so frazzled based on what I think. As my parents used to say, "Joshua, you're not THAT important."
Fortunately, I don't put much stock into what other people think of me.
To each his/her own. I just find it interesting how quickly my reputation turns into mud. If I was "in bed with the university" why would I have written anything about the practice issue and suspensions of Ryan McCoy and Lamar Roberson this season? What about the suspensions of Derrick Smith, Seth Adams and Brent Burkhalter and eventual dismissals of Adams and Burkhalter? What about last year, when David Dees left the team and then later returned?
I never said this was the perfect decision. Just said that I felt it was the lesser of two evils. And in case anyone cares, I sleep in a bed located in south Lafayette near Broussard, not at UL.
Like I've already said, I can handle the heat. Just surprised that it's getting incredibly personal. It's sad to see that some people can no longer just respectfully disagree with someone.
As for football, I travel on the team flight. To do so, we exchange advertising with the university. It's an even trade, and even if I disagreed I have no control over that decision.
Have a blessed day. _
Joshua... I am not personally attacking you or anyone else. I just want one question answered... How can we be so sure that by keeping Lee we are in the clear with the APR issue. Will it not shock anyone that we have decided to keep a lame duck coach and players decide to transfer anyway and we find ourselves taking the APR hit anyway. Why is this question not being asked & answered. If the answer is that we are certain that will not occur then I might have a little patience with this decision. But I have been a Cajun fan long enough to just expect that we will be stuck with Coach Lee and feel the pain of the APR hit anyway.
I thank you in advance for covering this side of the issue in a future writing!
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_ Hey guys. Thanks for the thread about me. I certainly feel the love.
As for this column, I was well-aware that my opinion would fall into the minority. Especially on this board. But I'm a big boy and can take whatever anyone else has to say. I've been in this business long enough that this isn't the first time people have disagreed with me.
I haven't received any death threats over this column, so I guess I'm lucky compared to some of my previous jobs.
While some of you might questions my "journalistic integrity" - despite the fact really none of you have any clue what it takes to do this job - I sat down and calmly and rationally evaluated the situation. I did not allow any emotion to come into it. I went on the facts I found and also considered some of my own life experiences from previously in Kansas, Texas and Tennessee.
In the end, it's just my opinion. Probably different than your opinion. But that's all it is. It's amazing that people get so frazzled based on what I think. As my parents used to say, "Joshua, you're not THAT important."
Fortunately, I don't put much stock into what other people think of me.
To each his/her own. I just find it interesting how quickly my reputation turns into mud. If I was "in bed with the university" why would I have written anything about the practice issue and suspensions of Ryan McCoy and Lamar Roberson this season? What about the suspensions of Derrick Smith, Seth Adams and Brent Burkhalter and eventual dismissals of Adams and Burkhalter? What about last year, when David Dees left the team and then later returned? What about the transfer of Elijah Millsap, who said his departure had to do with Lee?
I never said this was the perfect decision. Just said that I felt it was the lesser of two evils. And in case anyone cares, I sleep in a bed located in south Lafayette near Broussard, not at UL.
Like I've already said, I can handle the heat. Just surprised that it's getting incredibly personal. It's sad to see that some people can no longer just respectfully disagree with someone.
As for football, I travel on the team flight. To do so, we exchange advertising with the university. It's an even trade, and even if I disagreed I have no control over that decision.
Have a blessed day. _
1-did walker have influence on lee's changing course after his second year?
2-did lee (walker) knowingly put the entire athletic department in jeopardy, when they chose this path?
3-what is the guaranty that these players won't leave the program if lee stays?
4-why did it take so long to make this decision?
5-How many games won will give lee a new contract?
6-what does Lotief, Robe, and Bustle think about a bunch of 19 & 20 year old basketball players having this much influence over their teams postseason future.
7-How does walker think this decision will negatively impact the RCAF kickoff?
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
1-did walker have influence on lee's changing course after his second year?
2-did lee (walker) knowingly put the entire athletic department in jeopardy, when they chose this path?
3-what is the guaranty that these players won't leave the program if lee stays?
4-why did it take so long to make this decision?
5-How many games won will give lee a new contract?
6-what does Lotief, Robe, and Bustle think about a bunch of 19 & 20 year old basketball players having this much influence over their teams postseason future.
7-How does walker think this decision will negatively impact the RCAF kickoff?
KACajun, in the time I've been here I've shown that I'm willing to ask tough questions and demand answers.
Look at Robe and baseball last spring.
Look at Bustle back in the fall.
Look at Lee during the open-door/closed-door practices and player issues this basketball season.
Just because I haven't touched on some of your questions yet doesn't mean I don't plan to. I think some of you forget that I'm also trying to cover baseball and other UL sports, too. There are only so many hours in a day. David Walker has been unavailable for comment for the past few days after this decision was made on Friday. He was out of the office before 3 p.m. Friday. Tough to do much else when he's gone home for the weekend.
This week offers a great chance for me to ask some of those tough questions. There are some questions I will ask until the answers are provided.
And cm'on, CajunBoudin. No need to call people cats in this thread.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
While Parrot and others may turn out to be right that the university "...chose the lesser of two evils...", it is of real concern that UL seems to be in that kind of situation so often.
The available choices never seem to be between good and better, or right and wrong, but between bad and worse or, perhaps dumb and dumber. The thought process is always about the escape route after the train wreck has taken place, never about how to avoid the wreck in the first place. That's the core of the problem, reaction instead of initiative.
The current mess is symptomatic of the central issue, that the decision making process always seems to be behind the curve of events. I do believe that the Baldwin fiasco had
more effect than anyone is willing to admit. Could UL put itself in the position of firing two
black head coaches on the heals of that situation? A very serious consideration I should
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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And cm'on, CajunBoudin. No need to call people cats in this thread. _
The problem I see is that there are no employees in sports who are strictly columnists. It's never a good thing when beat writers also have to do opinion pieces. Which is why UL has always had their salad tossed by the Advertiser.
I seriously doubt that you would have wrote "retaining Lee was a boneheaded decision" even if you thought that was the case. I also doubt that if you turned in a column that read like that you're editors would have published it.
Heck, let's cut to the chase. There's no Glenn Guilbeau-like guy for UL sports. Tiger fans hate Guilbeau and he doesn't care what they think. He basically rips Les Miles in every column he writes.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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The problem I see is that there are no employees in sports who are strictly columnists. It's never a good thing when beat writers also have to do opinion pieces. Which is why UL has always had their salad tossed by the Advertiser.
I seriously doubt that if you would have wrote "retaining Lee was a boneheaded decision" if you thought that was the case. I also doubt that if you turned in a column that read like that you're editors would have published it.
Heck, let's cut to the chase. There's no Glenn Guilbeau-like guy for UL sports. Tiger fans hate Guilbeau and he doesn't care what they think. He basically rips Les Miles in every column he writes.
I agree with you. I've always been a straight-down the middle reporter. Give the fact, show both sides to an issue and let the readers form their own opinions. It's tough to be a guy who covers a team day-in, day-out and always rip them the next day in a column.
Again, if anyone has noticed, I have written plenty of things voicing my frustration about some of my interaction with Lee.
But there's nothing I can do about the DA hiring a columnist. Feel free to donate money to make that happen, otherwise it probably never will. It's out of my hands.
At multiple times this season, I would have felt that bringing back Lee would have been a bad move. But at the end of the year, I stood back and evaluated multiple issues. And then I gave my opinion based on those facts.
And as for LSU fans hating Guilbeau because he doesn't care what they think? I don't care what UL fans think when it comes to doing my job and I'm obviously not afraid to share my feelings, regardless of whether it's popular. This situation is a perfect example because I could have taken the easy road and just followed the rest of the pack because most everyone else is doing it.
But I'm not that type of person. Never have and never will. Instead, I form my own opinions and am strong enough to take the heat afterward.
The funniest thing about this thread is that a couple people have resorted to name-calling. But I'm almost positive not one of you would ever call me those same names to my face.
In fact, I'd be shocked if that ever happened.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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The funniest thing about this thread is that a couple people have resorted to name-calling. But I'm almost positive not one of you would ever call me those same names to my face.
In fact, I'd be shocked if that ever happened. _
Well, I will make it a point if I ever run into you to call you a UL salad tossing _______. ;)
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_ Joshua... I am not personally attacking you or anyone else. I just want one question answered... How can we be so sure that by keeping Lee we are in the clear with the APR issue. Will it not shock anyone that we have decided to keep a lame duck coach and players decide to transfer anyway and we find ourselves taking the APR hit anyway. Why is this question not being asked & answered. If the answer is that we are certain that will not occur then I might have a little patience with this decision. But I have been a Cajun fan long enough to just expect that we will be stuck with Coach Lee and feel the pain of the APR hit anyway.
I thank you in advance for covering this side of the issue in a future writing! _
Josh, I would like to make it clear that I feel you have done a great job reporting about the Cajuns since you have been here. With that said, will this be one of the questions asked if you are ever given the opportunity? And if you are continually stonewalled by this administration will you be the one to call them out on it?
Waiting for a response...
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_ Well, I will make it a point if I ever run into you to call you a UL salad tossing _______. ;)
Well, that says more about you than it does about me. ;)
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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Josh, I would like to make it clear that I feel you have done a great job reporting about the Cajuns since you have been here. With that said, will this be one of the questions asked if you are ever given the opportunity? And if you are continually stonewalled by this administration will you be the one to call them out on it?
Waiting for a response...
That will be the first question I ask this week. And if I am continually stonewalled by the adminstration concerning those questions, I will make that known.
Again, and this is not directed at you CajunFreak, just because my opinion sided with the administration this time doesn't mean that will always be the case. My opinion happens to match their actions. Those who think otherwise know nothing about me or how to do my job.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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_ Does anyone else think that the Baldwin situation has played a role here? On the heels of that fiasco, could the university risk the negative publicity and consequences of firing two
black head coaches? _
I find myself in rare agreement with our new Attorney General, America is a bunch of cowards when it comes to discussing race. Race should not be an issue here. Just as its shouldn't be an issue in hiring it should not be an issue in firing.
Who cares about the negative publicity? On the flip side of that argument, did we garner a whole lot of positive press or additional local support, if any at all, when we had Baldwin as our head coach at a time the national media was decrying the lack of minority head coaches in D1A? Not much that I recall. Did that same national media rush to put UL games on TV to showcase Baldwin and his team? Nope. Was there a huge rush of the local top talent minority players rushing to sign with UL due to Rogers and Lee being our head coaches? Nope. Did Big Dave push for these players to come to UL because we had his pal Robert Lee as head coach? Not that I recall. In fact I recall listening to his show and he hyped the top players for Brady at State and mentioned also rans that might be a "good fit" for UL. So if we don't get any upside for making the hires that happen to be minorities why should we get or be worried about any negative consequences for firing incompetent or underperforming coaches that happen to be a minority?
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
Originally Posted by
_ I find myself in rare agreement with our new Attorney General, America is a bunch of cowards when it comes to discussing race. Race should not be an issue here. Just as its shouldn't be an issue in hiring it should not be an issue in firing.
Who cares about the negative publicity? On the flip side of that argument, did we garner a whole lot of positive press or additional local support, if any at all, when we had Baldwin as our head coach at a time the national media was decrying the lack of minority head coaches in D1A? Not much that I recall. Did that same national media rush to put UL games on TV to showcase Baldwin and his team? Nope. Was there a huge rush of the local top talent minority players rushing to sign with UL due to Rogers and Lee being our head coaches? Nope. Did Big Dave push for these players to come to UL because we had his pal Robert Lee as head coach? Not that I recall. In fact I recall listening to his show and he hyped the top players for Brady at State and mentioned also rans that might be a "good fit" for UL. So if we don't get any upside for making the hires that happen to be minorities why should we get or be worried about any negative consequences for firing incompetent or underperforming coaches that happen to be a minority? _
Can't believe that would be the real reason but after Baldwind I guess it could play a factor. UL needs to get over it and do the right thing.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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I'm not down on Josh for selling out the fans and choosing the administration. UL fans have never had anyone at their side and never will. That has always been obvious to me......
There used to a pretty darn good play by play man for UL that was on our side....he ain't the play by play man no more.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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_ People who are content with the status quo are IMO the problem not the solution. I'm not trying to win or lose anything I just simply want some questions answered by the people in charge. _
I am not content with the status quo and I really don't want Lee around anymore than you. However, I try to look at things logically and after I receive more facts, I can at least understand why the decision was made because its unfortunately the one with less risks financially and to other sport programs in the dept. However, many here are looking for that person to blame. Maybe down the road we'll see that D. Walker was being "accountable" for the future of the dept. I will not say now for sure because I think it is hard to call for sure.
Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing
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_ 1-did walker have influence on lee's changing course after his second year?
2-did lee (walker) knowingly put the entire athletic department in jeopardy, when they chose this path?
3-what is the guaranty that these players won't leave the program if lee stays?
4-why did it take so long to make this decision?
5-How many games won will give lee a new contract?
6-what does Lotief, Robe, and Bustle think about a bunch of 19 & 20 year old basketball players having this much influence over their teams postseason future.
7-How does walker think this decision will negatively impact the RCAF kickoff? _
What has Lee's "path" done to lower the APR or endanger it in any way? What path are you referring to? Just curious.
He got us in this mess by dismissing half the team 3 years ago. Regardless of how right or wrong that was, it's why we are where we are
Originally Posted by
What has Lee's "path" done to lower the APR or endanger it in any way? What path are you referring to? Just curious.