About 10 pages of not caring so far on Tigerdroopings.
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Oh Earl, we know that. Any poll where we outrank State can't, by Louisiana law I believe, be legit.
If the impossible were to happen and we outranked the Feckless Felines in all the polls, then the polls would be declared uniformly broken, and we would be informed that only the post-season would count.
And if the TRULY impossible happened, and we beat LSUA&MCBR in the post-season, why, that sport would immediately become unimportant.
Like, say, with softball.
And Earl, it's a good thing you don't get so excited about it that you feel motivated to come over here and post.Quote:
It's funny watches everyone get excited over some guy that post his own rankings on a blog. LOL.
But we love it when you do, you wittle wascawy wabbit!
NCBWA is out. #5 in that one
Final list:
Perfect Game - #3 (prev 7) - http://www.perfectgame.org/Articles/...x?article=9631
Baseball America - #4 (prev 5) - http://www.baseballamerica.com/colle...p-25-march-24/
Collegiate Baseball - #1 (prev 6) - http://baseballnews.com/polls/ncaa-d...-poll-3-24-14/
USA Today Coaches - #6 (prev 8) - http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports...-poll/5030501/
NCBWA - #5 (prev 8) - http://www.sportswriters.net/ncbwa/n...oll140324.html
Well damn. If Earl had waited until the last poll came out, he could claim that only the coaches NCBWA were legit.
hijacking a "we're #1 in America thread with an ONGOING long discussion about our name is disrespectful to fellow posters and to this team. All too often, RP saps the joy out of experiences like this with dog crap like this.
It's as simple as starting your own thread to b*tch and complain. I want to win the battle as much as anything, but this thread isn't the battlefield. Go p*ss in your own damn pool.
I don't know how I feel about this #1 ranking because now it gives LSU the old "At least we got beat by the best team in the country" excuse.
Sarcasim off_
Everyone take a deep breath and repeat this statement and let it sink in....
"Your #1 ranked Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns!"
Another check mark on the bucket list!
Just as a point of reference, it was not that long ago that some of "geniuses" on here were calling for Robe's head.
I am glad my memory has not completely went away. I laughed then and it is really funny now.