Second Annual Pennies 4 Pills Champaign
<div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Second Annual Pennies 4 Pills Champaign" border="0" align="left" vspace="4" hspace="8"/></a></div><p>The Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic's Community Pharmacy has kicked off it's 2nd annual Pennies 4 Pills.</p><p>The Community Pharmacy provides prescription medications at no cost to eligible uninsured residents of Acadia, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin, and Vermillion Parishes. With a minimal budget, the Community Pharmacy provided 5,000 people with prescription medications and that valued over $1,700,00 back in 2010. The Pennies 4 Pills Champaign helps provide these medications at no cost to the eligible people in Acadiana.</p><p>If you would like to help support the Campaign, by dropping coins, cash, or even checks into the large Pennies 4 Pills donation bottles you can find them at the following locations: Acadiana Prescription Shop, Acadiana Retina Consultants (Dr. Jay Culottta), Adrien's Grocery, Breaux's Mart, Business One Bank, Cancer Center (Dr. Deborah Johnson), Plastic Surgery Associates, Dr. Jerome Alesi, Dr. Randall Faulk, Drs. Neupert and Dupree Farmer's Pharmacy, Jefferson Street Pharmacy, Lemaire's Pharmacy, Mills Cashway Pharmacy in Parks, Moss Street Thrifty Way, Professional Art Pharmacy, Rosser's Pharmacy, Scott Family Pharmacy, Southern Tire & Appliance in Crowley, Teche Bank (all Lafayette locations), Teche Pharmacy, Thrifty Way Pharmacy in St. Martinville, Townw Pharmacy, and Women's and Children's Hospital Gift Shop, Piggly Wiggly Opelousas and Crawfish Corner Opelousas.</p><p>For more information you can call 232-HELP or 232-LA211.</p><p> </p><br clear="all"/><p><a href="" title="Second Annual Pennies 4 Pills Champaign">Permalink</a>| <a href="" title="View user submitted comments on this entry">Comments</a></p><br/>