PreGame 2011 New Orleans Bowl - Walking To New Orleans
I don't want to put the cart before the horse, but it is my understanding that the MAJORITY of the payout from ANY bowl game is based on the number of tickets sold by the participating schools. Each school is given a SMALL amount of money up front and "X" number of tickets to sell. The SMALL amount of money given and the value of the tickets added together equals the published payout by the bowl. However, the participating school only gets the additional money from the tickets it sells. I guess all of the Bowls should actually publish the payouts as "potential payouts". THEREFORE, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT, WHEN TICKETS GO ON SALE, ALL CAJUN FANS BUY THEM DIRECTLY FROM UL!!!!! If you purchase tickets through Ticketmaster or directly through the N.O. Bowl or any other source, UL will not get credit and therefore loose money from those sales. If we don't want UL to loose money from this bowl experience, we must educate others of this situation.
When the time is right, I'm sure Scott Farmer and his staff will do their best to get the word out to Cajun fans on what they want them to do regarding the Bowl ticket sales.