Will Marty go full circle?
<i>VMI loses candidate, gains one UR assistant Williams withdraws; former coach Marty Fletcher very interested</i><blockquote><p align=justify>A former VMI basketball star withdrew yesterday from the school's coaching search, and a former Keydets coach - Marty Fletcher - expressed interest in a second tour of duty at VMI.
University of Richmond assistant Ramon Williams, a member of VMI's athletic hall of fame, was identified by Keydets Athletic Director Donny White as "a strong candidate" to succeed Bart Bellairs, dismissed following the 2004-05 season. But Williams, a Roanoke native who was a VMI assistant for nine years, removed himself from consideration.
"I am truly excited about the future of the University of Richmond's men's basketball program and I look forward to doing everything I possibly can to help our players, fellow staff members and the university community continue Richmond's tradition of excellence both on the court and in the classroom," Williams, VMI Class of '90, said in a statement. "I will always treasure my experience as a Virginia Military Institute student-athlete and coach, and as a proud alumnus, I wish their athletic program nothing but the best in the future."
Reached last night, Williams chose not to elaborate. Another ex-VMI player, Notre Dame assistant Lewis Preston (Class of '93), also withdrew from consideration.
White could not be reached for comment yesterday, but a source close to the school's search said serious candidates include Jeff Neubauer, a former UR assistant who has been a West Virginia assistant for three years, Mike Rhoades, the head coach at Division III Randolph-Macon, Marshall assistant Bob MacKinnon, and SMU assistant Dean Christian.
Fletcher directed the Keydets to a 37-75 record from '83-86. The Washington, D.C., native went on to be the head coach at Southwestern Louisiana (now Louisiana-Lafayette), the University of Denver, and Division II University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He left that school last month.
"I think lightning can strike twice," said Fletcher, 53 and a former N.C. State assistant. "Let's take another run at it. Give me three years, if we can't do it, then go get another young guy."
Fletcher said he has sent a note to White, but has not been contacted by VMI.
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Neubauer, who moved from UR to West Virginia with head coach John Beilein, is believed to be the front-runner. Neubauer was an assistant at The Citadel prior to joining the Spiders staff. MacKinnon was head coach at the United States Merchant Marine Academy for two seasons. Christian is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, and also was an assistant there.
Rhoades has been R-MC's head coach for six seasons.
Bellairs was Keydets coach for 11 years, and will remain a member of the school's athletic department.
Contact John O'Connor at (804) 649-6233 or joconnor@timesdispatch.com-->