2004 Season Football Banquet
Did anyone get to go? I went last year but didn't eat or sit down.
This year I was there at 4pm (it started at 5pm) to install a name graphic on a glass framed #1 jersey that Bustle was presenting to Dr. Authement.
Once I did that, I took a few pictures and left. It would have ben nice to meet Jake Delhomme, but hey I didn't have $25. Also I overheard there were only 40 places reserved non player/family/coach/administration and the like. Can anyone confirm?
Anyway while I was there I was able to photograph all the framed jerseys that were to be given out to the Seniors of 2004 football campain.
<center><table bgcolor=#000000 width=100% height="450"><center><td><center><img src="https://forumeus.com/audio-video/2004-fb-banquet-jerseys.gif"></td></table>