Youth Hockey Needs Your Help !!!
Subject: Youth Hockey Needs Your Help!
To All:
In an effort to rebuild and keep the sport of hockey alive in Acadiana, we are asking for help from the hockey community! In order for any youth sports program to survive, the recruitment of NEW players is crucial. For the last 6 months, we (along with Hockey X and several enthusiastic hockey parents) have been working on a game plan to make the sport more attractive to NEW young players. Through these tough economic times, the financial demands of our sport has made it very difficult for even some of the most passionate families to continue to stay involved --- And it's made it even more difficult on the recruitment process of NEW players. We believe that by finding ways to make hockey more affordable for EVERYONE, it will not only help to attract NEW players to the sport but also keep those that are already a part of our community to stay involved and help to build a stronger program.
If you are interested in helping out, here's what we need:
1) We need more used gear! If anyone has any used gear that's just taking up space at home, is still in good condition and you are willing to donate it, please let us know. We will not sell the gear but rather loan it to new players to help reduce the start up cost to get them on their way.
2) We are also trying to spread the word about our Hockey Program through handouts in schools, posting signs around town and simple word of mouth. If you are interested in helping us spread the word, please let us know. We are in need of help with distributing flyers into the local schools.
3) We have been soliticing sponsorship support from local businesses and are happy to report that we have been quite successful. Through sponsorship support, we have been able to reduce the bulk of the operational cost of running the program, which in turn results in reduced fees for both current and NEW players! If you know of anyone that may be interested in sponsoring, please see attachment for details.
We are now accepting registrations for the summer youth hockey program. This summer we will offer 3 seperate youth programs. Cost and details is as followed:
Level I - Beginner (Ages 5-9) Basic Introduction - Cost is ONLY $75!
Level II - Intermediate (Ages 10-13) Skills & Drills - Cost is ONLY $85!
Levell III - Advanced (Ages 14 & Up) Team Concepts & Game Play - Cost is ONLY $95!.
Season begins Wed June 2nd - REGISTER NOW!
Each program includes:
10 Week Session
Jersey & T-Shirt
End of Season Tournament (possible ironman format for Levels I & II only!)
Awards for 1st & 2nd Place
To register, please see attachment!
We hope that you will join us in our effort to help rebuild our great sport!
Thank you for your continued support,
Calvin Ahia
Topshelf Sports
Mobile - 337.319.4756
Email -