Let's get 30,000 in Cajun Field vs. App St on Oct 9th! For this time Wednesday night is the new Saturday night. Pull out all the stops to pack the house. Geaux Cajuns!
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Let's get 30,000 in Cajun Field vs. App St on Oct 9th! For this time Wednesday night is the new Saturday night. Pull out all the stops to pack the house. Geaux Cajuns!
Insult the students so they値l show up to protest. Once there, put chloroform in giant misters. Get volunteers to carry their bodies into the stadium. Stick tall boys in each of their pockets for when they wake up.
Full proof plan.
as much as I like your enthusiasm SBC screwed the pooch. Our biggest game of the year at home and its on a Wednesday.. Even I wont be able to stay the whole game because of work in the morning. Such a wasted home date.
.....so we have a week and a half....let school out at noon and as I have mentioned cut work early......Calais should have a St Martin parish and Mitchell a special Vermilion student ticket give away...get all this done now as we have over a week to get ready...parking issues etc need to be addressed.....we'll I hope so!!!
In most cases, I would agree.
But this game is personal. We owe those bastards for so many reasons. This community is starving for a winner. We will have the football world痴 attention. All eyes in Lafayette, LA. In the Swamp.
I値l gladly lose a night of sleep to relish in a victory.
We値l get the national spotlight and have 3 extra days to prep for Arkie St.
I知 good with it.
Admin needs to promote the hell out of this game.
Give out free tickets. Get students to come. Make Lafayette notice this Cajun football team.
Let's get those fans in the stands.