Is transferring to UL. Graduated early in 3 years and is eligible right away.
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Is transferring to UL. Graduated early in 3 years and is eligible right away.
Where'd you get this info?
Was a 4 star QB coming out of HS in Georgia and was also offered by Chip Kelly while Kelly was at Oregon. Although he never really impressed while playing at LSU, he was forced into a more pro style offense and is much more suited for the spread. He will bring some experience right away which we have almost none returning. This may either give Jordan Davis another year to grow or push him to the point to beat Jennings out.
From someone close to the LSU program. So of course it may not be official yet, but we may be hearing something soon?
I don't believe you
@BR transfers pan out about 10% of the time so I'll be excited if and when his Td to turnover rate on the actual field is positive. Until then...
Keep it under the table for what reason?
May god have mercy on our souls. So the question is will we ever get past the 50 yard line this year?