June 2016 RCAF newsletter
JUNE 2016
A Message from the RCAF Executive Director
RCAF Updates:
WEBSITE: I am pleased to announce the RCAF will be launching its new website located at myrcaf.org today, June 20th. This will now be the official website of the Ragin’ Cajuns Athletic Foundation where you will go to find out information on upcoming events, check your Priority Points total, learn about important donation deadlines, your online donation portal, etc. We hope you enjoy the new look and feel of the site and please let us know your feedback. A special thanks to Russo Design Group for their help in getting us up and running with the new site.
PRIORITY POINTS and RESEATING: As I mentioned in the last newsletter, if you were not able to make the RCAF call-out meeting on April 16th, you will have other opportunities to hear about the Priority Points system and upcoming reseating plans for Men’s Basketball and Baseball. The RCAF will be conducting “Town Hall Meetings” across Acadiana in the months of July and August to highlight the benefits of the program and allow you to ask questions and hear about the timing of implementation. Scheduled dates and locations (full details to follow):
Tuesday, July 26 – Student Athlete Performance Center Auditorium (Lafayette)
Tuesday, August 2 – City Club (Lafayette)
Wednesday, August 3 – Abbeville Public Library (Abbeville)
Tuesday, August 9 – TBD (New Iberia)
Be looking for a Priority Points brochure to be mailed to your home address in the near future. We took into consideration some of the comments and suggestions from the April 16th call-out meeting and the Board will be getting together to vote on a few proposed modifications. From there a new brochure will be printed and mailed. Thank you to everyone for your feedback!
FUNDRAISING: As of Monday, June 13 the RCAF Annual Fund had raised $1.255M from 1,310 donors. These are great numbers but there is more work to be done. The RCAF Annual Fund is the lifeblood of athletics providing funds for coaches, student-athletes and program support. Please consider making a donation today or encouraging others to join in support of Ragin’ Cajuns Athletics!
As always, thank you to everyone for your continued support and generosity!
Geaux Cajuns!
Jim F. Harris
RCAF Executive Director
This month’s donor spotlight is Karren and Tommy Hays. They have a long history supporting the University, both athletically and academically. They met as students while serving on the Student Government Association.
Karren is currently the President of the UL Rebounders Club (booster program for the Men’s Basketball program). They are charter members of the RCAF and have donated since the RCAF’s inception in 2009.
Tommy is a past president of the UL Alumni Association. Karren and Tommy received their degrees from UL in Business Administration in 1980. Their children, Alex and Sawyer, graduated from UL as well.
Why do you give to the RCAF?
Honestly, at first we joined to get a parking spot. Later, we understood the importance of investing in our athletic programs to help make all of them better. We believe that we currently have the best quality coaches - across the board - that we have ever had at UL. One of the role of the RCAF is to raise funds to continue to hire and retain quality coaches and to continue to improve our athletic facilities. It is important that we do our part to invest in the future of UL Athletics.
What are some of the things that you are most proud of as a UL supporter?
We like how our fans embrace our Cajun culture and present our uniqueness to the rest of the world. We admire the quality and character of our student-athletes. They make us proud to say we are part of the Cajun Nation.
What would you tell someone who wanted to get involved as a fan or donor?
Pick a sport, any sport. Buy tickets for yourself and your family to see what all the excitement is all about! You will quickly develop a connection to the players and coaches. You will find that you will not want the season to end and will develop interest in the next sport coming into season. We are lucky to have access to college sports right here in Lafayette. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the program!
Institutional Control
The principle of institutional control stems from the need for many individuals to be vigilant in order to protect the integrity of an institution’s athletics department. It is important that you as representatives of athletics interests do as much as possible to protect UL Lafayette, including notifying the appropriate individuals of any potential issues. Violations do not result from a lack of institutional control if:
Adequate compliance measures exist;
They are appropriately conveyed to those who need to be aware of them;
They are monitored to ensure that such measures are being followed; and
On learning that a violation has occurred, the institution takes swift action.
Institutional control extends to boosters, meaning the institution is responsible for the actions and conduct of its boosters. For instance, the NCAA holds the University of Louisiana at Lafayette accountable when a UL Lafayette fan or donor is tweeting congratulations to a prospective student-athlete. Therefore, the Compliance Office asks that you review all of the educational material provided to you and ask any questions that you may have. Remember, the worst questions are those that you never ask!
Mark Your Calendar
Tues, July 26
Town Hall Meeting
Student-Athlete Performance Center
Lafayette, LA
Tues, Aug. 2
Town Hall Meeting
City Club
Lafayette, LA
Wed, Aug 3
Town Hall Meeting
Abbeville Public Library
Abbeville, LA
Tues, Aug. 9
Town Hall Meeting
Location - TBA
New Iberia, LA
Thurs, Aug. 25
RCAF Pre-Season FB Dinner
TBA By Invitation
Sat, Aug. 27
Ragin’ Cajuns
Athletics Celebration
Sat. Aug. 28
Fall Sports Fan Day
Sat, Sept. 3
MFB v. Boise State
Cajun Field
Sat, Sept. 10
MFB v. McNeese State
Cajun Field
Sat, Sept. 17
MFB v. South Alabama
Cajun Field
Sat, Sept. 24
MFB v. Tulane
New Orleans, LA
Sat, Oct. 1
MFB v. New Mexico State
Las Cruces, NM
Wed, Oct. 12
MFB v. App State
Cajun Field
Sat, Oct. 22
MFB v. Texas State
San Marcos, TX
Sat, Nov. 5
MFB v. Idaho
Cajun Field
Thurs, Nov. 10
MFB v. GA Southern
Statesboro, GA
Sat, Nov. 19
MFB v. Georgia
Athens, GA
Sat, Nov 26
MFB v. Ark. State
Cajun Field
Sat, Dec. 3
Monroe, LA
for a complete schedule of sporting events
Check out the Ragin’ Cajuns Store’s new website showcasing over 850 of the latest Ragin’ Cajuns merchandise. Find hats, shirts, jackets and more from brands like Polo Ralph Lauren, Adidas, Nike, Under Armor and Columbia.
Don’t miss their watches, blankets, kid’s wear plus items for your home or patio. Ordering is easy.
Log on to TheRaginCajunsStore.com
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Lafayette, LA 70506
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