Crab Salad and Sourdough Panini
Are you ready for game day? I don’t usually get too worked up about the Super Bowl, in fact, it’s usually a great time to shopping, no traffic! But this year is different. This year, Superbowl XLVII, pits two great teams against each other, each coached by terrific coaches, who happen to be brothers. It will be quite the Harbrawl. (Can you imagine being their parents? Who do they root for?) I, a former San Franciscan, haven’t had this much fun watching the home team since the days of Coach Walsh. Anyway, to celebrate this epic matchup we looked for recipe ideas that would honor the cities of both teams, Baltimore and San Francisco. What better way to do that than with a crab salad panini? Both Baltimore and San Francisco are known for their local crab. In Baltimore it’s_blue crab, in_San Francisco,_Dungeness. The crab salad itself is made with fresh, sweet lump crab meat, parsley, green onion, lemon, mayo, and Tabasco. The crab salad is spread between two pieces of sliced sourdough bread (a nod to SF), painted with butter, and then put in a panini press, where the two sides are jammed together, and sizzled. Just like the upcoming game. Continue reading "Crab Salad and Sourdough Panini" »