Subponeas issued in LPD officers vs. LCG and LPD
<div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Subponeas issued in LPD officers vs. LCG and LPD" border="0" align="left" vspace="4" hspace="8"/></a></div><p>Since we began reporting on the upheaval at the Lafayette police department on Tuesday, four more officers have joined the five already asking for a restraining order against their superiors.On Tuesday we told you five officers alleged threats of potential violence, public deception and retaliation. The officers asked for protection from LGC, the chief of police, CAO Dee Stanley and Major George "Jackie" Alfred. On May 29, a judge will hear arguments on why five Lafayette police officers want a restraining order filed against, among others, the chief of police.<br /> "It is also an order of protection for the safety of the officers under the Police Bill of Rights," said Attorney Stephen Spring. "There can be no retaliation by anyone that is made a defendant or within the department."