Poll - What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
From a pure attendance standpoint, what percentage of Football attendance/support is acceptable for the Ragin' Cajuns Basketball program?
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
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From a pure attendance standpoint, what percentage of Football attendance/support is acceptable for the Ragin' Cajuns Basketball program?
No doubt one needs to know the actual number of seats available. Let us claim 10,500 a nice round number because the numbers have changed since they changed the arena for ice hockey.
I feel that Lafayette is capable of bringing 6500 per game minimum, but can easily believe 9K plus on several games per season.
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
Should be 33.3% at the minimum. Just my thoughts. That would be around 10k which would be a packed house! Man that would be some fun!
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
It should be a very low number. I do both... both have their own following... same as baseball. Football is an event.. once a week... on a saturday... cooking... drinking... good times.
Basketball on the other hand is not. Lafayette does not have many true basketball fans anymore.
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
A-tor---Think you are on to Something---We need to bring the cooking, drinking, music, and good times to the Dome---Maybe spend a lil money but just sell some treats and beer!!!!!! T-gaiting outside or inside!!!
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
It should equal the composite free throw percentage of the basketball team or perhaps whatever percentage of fans that want to go to basketball games... whichever happens first.
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
I'm in the 30%-40% range if we're talking attendance. 30% of 29171 (average home FB attendance this past year) is 8751 and 40% is 11668. So you're looking in the range of about 8751 to 11668. The higher number is approaching the capacity of the dome so that would be amazing but the lower number is basically equal to the lower sections completely full with still a good bit in the third levels. Not too shabby, and it shouldn't be too much to ask for.
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
I think it is really independent of football. Three games I remember from the 90's let me know what we are capable of:
The Loyola-Marymount game in '91/92, the UMass game in '96 and the Sun-Belt Championship game in '98 against South Al.
I don't know the exact numbers, but they were about 9k to 10K, LOUD, and FUN. We may have been drawing more than football. But after one-half of a good season, we got to 8k last year. Hopefully if we string together a few really good seasons we should set our goal on 9k to 10k consistently. Does anyone have an old media guide with attendance records? I'd like to see what our best games were.
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
You can call me crazy, but I believe we should be looking at sell outs in football, men's basketball, baseball and softball every game, nothing less. That is the fan base our players and University deserves and we need to get to that point.
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
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You can call me crazy, but I believe we should be looking at sell outs in football, men's basketball, baseball and softball every game, nothing less. That is the fan base our players and University deserves and we need to get to that point.
I think we should double that. I win.
Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball
I shouldn't have included 80%
It means you expect over 20,000 in attendance at the basketball game.
There is another way of looking at this though. . . .