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Threads 12901 to 12920 of 15309

Forum: News Acadiana

  1. Along the Teche - I-10 well fire under control this time

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 06:50 pm
  2. Abbeville - Who is this man?

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 06:10 pm
  3. Abbeville - Smoke damage ruins family's clothing

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 06:10 pm
  4. Slain Pizza Delivery Driver Laid to Rest

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 06:00 pm
  5. Seize Gambling Winnings For Unpaid Child Support

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 05:20 pm
  6. Eunice - Acadia workers clearing timber near rec complex

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 05:00 pm
  7. Eunice - Man uses direct approach in TV theft

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 05:00 pm
  8. Single Car Accident In New Iberia

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 04:40 pm
  9. "Treme" producers on "Fresh Air" tonight

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 04:00 pm
  10. Durel back on road for decon town hall

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 04:00 pm
  11. Acadiana Open Source software group now meeting at LITE

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 04:00 pm
  12. One bad oyster is all it takes

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 04:00 pm
  13. Easter Weekend Boating Trip Ended In Tragedy

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 04:00 pm
  14. Three injured in Iberia crash - The Daily Advertiser

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 04:00 pm
  15. 5 Arrested: Mamou Narcotics Undercover Operation

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 03:20 pm
  16. Boy Remains in Critical Condition After Crash

    Started by NewsCopy, April 5th, 2010 01:40 pm

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