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Threads 12621 to 12640 of 15309

Forum: News Acadiana

  1. Vivian Drive Permanently Closing Wednesday

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 04:50 pm
  2. Ban On Red Light Cameras Failed

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 04:10 pm
  3. Senior Scam Warning in St. Landry Parish

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 03:40 pm
  4. That's Not How I Thought Things Worked

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 02:40 pm
  5. Jindal's Plan To Create Jobs Could Be On Collision Course

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 11:30 am
  6. St. Landry Parish's Sales Tax Down

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 11:00 am
  7. Franklin Arrest Log - April 12, 2010

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 10:30 am
  8. St. Mary Parish Daily Incident Log - April 12, 2010

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 08:00 am
  9. Along the Teche - 34th annual Parks Cracklin Festival

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 07:50 am
  10. Father Accused of Stabbing Son at Festival

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 06:22 am
  11. Pretty & Perfect - The Daily Advertiser

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 05:03 am
  12. South branch turns page - The Daily Advertiser

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 05:03 am
  13. The Masters: A Love Story - The Daily Advertiser

    Started by NewsCopy, April 12th, 2010 05:03 am
  14. Lafayette Parish Arrest Report: April 11, 2010

    Started by NewsCopy, April 11th, 2010 10:50 pm

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