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Threads 12421 to 12440 of 15309

Forum: News Acadiana

  1. Abbeville - VC's Emily Trahan Class Act Student

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 09:30 pm
  2. Along the Teche - Proposed park, noise laws draw a crowd

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 08:20 pm
  3. Veterans continue push for hospital - Baton Rouge Advocate

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 08:20 pm
  4. Eunice - Firemen again asking for pay hike

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 07:10 pm
  5. Tips On Protecting Yourself From Cyberstalking

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 07:10 pm
  6. Rams reunited at UL - The Daily Advertiser

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 06:50 pm
  7. Welsh Officer Arrested

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 06:30 pm
  8. Opelousas Police Close Down Alleged Crack Dealers Business

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 06:00 pm
  9. Councilman Shelvin defaults on loan backed by minister

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 05:40 pm
  10. House oks school board term limits bill

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 05:40 pm
  11. Miss Mary passing the apron to a new generation

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 05:40 pm
  12. ‘City’ reps back amending charter commish ordinance

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 05:40 pm
  13. Walker testifies in Vegas trial - The Daily Advertiser

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 05:40 pm
  14. Cajuns roll to 11-1 win - The Daily Advertiser

    Started by NewsCopy, April 15th, 2010 05:40 pm

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