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Forum: Sports Mantle

  1. IceGators returning to Dome

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 03:00 pm
  2. UL Basketball USA Basketball looks to build culture at worlds

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 01:40 pm
  3. UL Baseball Crawford speeds to another milestone

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 01:40 pm
  4. UL Baseball Mets report: Inside pitch - CBS Sports

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 11:50 am
  5. UL Baseball Golden Baseball League wackiness -

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 11:50 am
  6. Ricco shuns Quick-Step for Vacansoleil

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 07:40 am
  7. UCI, WADA unite to support anti-doping program

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 07:40 am
  8. UL Baseball Sabathia controls Tigers - Boston Globe

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 05:50 am
  9. UL Baseball Mets report: Inside pitch - CBS Sports

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 05:50 am
  10. UL Baseball Phils grab Wild Card lead, but eye division

    Started by NewsCopy, August 18th, 2010 01:30 am
  11. UL Baseball Wright Ends Long Production Drought - New York Times Blogs

    Started by NewsCopy, August 17th, 2010 11:44 pm
  12. Game thread: Minnesota at Seattle - Seattle Times

    Started by NewsCopy, August 17th, 2010 09:30 pm
  13. Big Changes for the 'Gators in 2010-11

    Started by NewsCopy, August 17th, 2010 09:30 pm

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