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Forum: Sports Mantle

  1. UL Baseball Baseball capsule for the ALCS - Sacramento Bee

    Started by NewsCopy, October 15th, 2010 03:41 am
  2. UL Basketball Thibodeau wants a pressure point -

    Started by NewsCopy, October 15th, 2010 12:55 am
  3. UL Football Fitz's Four-Course Fantasy Feast - Pro Football Weekly

    Started by NewsCopy, October 14th, 2010 10:00 pm
  4. UL Baseball How the Phillies became kings of the hill - News-Democrat

    Started by NewsCopy, October 14th, 2010 09:30 pm
  5. UL Basketball Short-handed Miami Heat lose on the road

    Started by NewsCopy, October 14th, 2010 08:40 pm
  6. UL Baseball Rangers' cohesiveness on display - New York Yankees

    Started by NewsCopy, October 14th, 2010 06:00 pm
  7. Lab director on Contador, testing, more -

    Started by NewsCopy, October 14th, 2010 05:40 pm
  8. UL Baseball Phillies on cusp of greatness - Calgary Herald

    Started by NewsCopy, October 14th, 2010 03:20 pm
  9. UL Baseball Who's up for a Phillies-Rangers World Series? -

    Started by NewsCopy, October 14th, 2010 03:20 pm

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