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Threads 18361 to 18380 of 35058

Forum: Preaux Sports

  1. UL Football NFC South: 2012 salary cap - ESPN

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  2. UL Football Religion Notes /News of area faith groups - Buffalo News

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  3. UL Baseball Rangers tab Purpura as new farm director -

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  4. UL Baseball The Orange County Register - Orange County Register

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  5. Duplantis living out dream with IceGators

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  6. UL Basketball 2011-12 NBA 'Offseason' Primer - iHigh

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  7. UL Basketball Coffee and Cigarettes: College Football Links for Saturday!

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  8. Report: Sandusky talks about Paterno, case

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  9. Boeheim regrets questioning Fine accusers' motives

    Started by NewsCopy, December 3rd, 2011 08:30 am
  10. Boeheim gets ovation as inquiry continues

    Started by NewsCopy, December 2nd, 2011 08:15 pm
  11. Sandusky accuser says police knew of recent dinner

    Started by NewsCopy, December 2nd, 2011 08:15 pm

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