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Threads 17261 to 17280 of 35058

Forum: Preaux Sports

  1. Stoops' 'gut feeling' is that Landry Jones will stay

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 09:06 pm
  2. Hawaii Bowl may start trend of Nevada, Southern Miss games

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 09:06 pm
  3. Usual suspects atop consensus All-American list

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 07:05 pm
  4. Devian Shelton to Oregon State

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 07:05 pm
  5. UL Basketball All Ye Faithful: Trades and Giving - (blog)

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  6. UL Football NFL sued by former players - United Press International

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  7. UL Football Dontari Poe, Robert Turbin declare for NFL draft - NBC Sports

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  8. UL Football Jason Culina sues Football Australia - ESPN Soccernet

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  9. UL Basketball Week 1 Start 'Em and Sit 'Em - CBS Sports

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  10. Brady leads comeback, Patriots top Dolphins 27-24

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  11. Cruz, Bradshaw lead Giants past Jets 29-14

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  12. Raiders stay alive with 16-13 OT win over Chiefs

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  13. Bengals beat Cardinals 23-16, stay in contention

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  14. Bills pick off Tebow 4 times, beat Broncos 40-14

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm
  15. UL Football Newton breaks rookie passing record - Pro Football Weekly

    Started by NewsCopy, December 24th, 2011 06:30 pm

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