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Threads 16801 to 16820 of 35058

Forum: Preaux Sports

  1. UL Football Saints place Ingram on IR - Canoe

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 pm
  2. UL Football Celebrating the real Joan of Arc - Los Angeles Times

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 pm
  3. UL Baseball Report: Yankees unlikely to sign Nakajima -

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 pm
  4. Oklahoma State has earned a title shot they won't receive

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 01:30 pm
  5. UL Baseball Braves, Bourn not talking contract extension - NBC Sports

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  6. UL Football The world's going to end? - NBC Sports

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  7. UL Football Movie Review: Sinners and Saints - Examiner

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  8. UL Basketball Hawks run away from Heat in fourth - Arab News

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  9. UL Baseball 3 Dutchess men face assault charges - Poughkeepsie Journal

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  10. Oklahoma St beats Stanford 41-38 in Fiesta Bowl

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  11. Oregon outlasts Wisconsin 45-38 in Rose Bowl

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  12. PSG president says Beckham to remain in LA

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  13. Time to peak, playoffs are here

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am
  14. Colts face tough decisions after lost season

    Started by NewsCopy, January 3rd, 2012 09:15 am

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