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Threads 11741 to 11760 of 35058

Forum: Preaux Sports

  1. UL Basketball Hornets take Davis at No. 1

    Started by NewsCopy, June 29th, 2012 02:46 am
  2. UL Basketball Kentucky teammates go 1-2 in NBA draft

    Started by NewsCopy, June 29th, 2012 02:46 am
  3. UL Baseball Amarista's slam caps 6-run 9th as Padres beat Astros

    Started by NewsCopy, June 29th, 2012 12:41 am
  4. Hornets take Davis with No. 1 pick in NBA draft

    Started by NewsCopy, June 28th, 2012 06:40 pm
  5. Team-by-team needs entering NBA draft

    Started by NewsCopy, June 28th, 2012 04:30 pm
  6. Two sports for recruiting purposes?

    Started by NewsCopy, June 28th, 2012 04:30 pm
  7. UL Basketball Suns Extend Qualifying Offers to Lopez, Brooks - NBA

    Started by NewsCopy, June 28th, 2012 02:40 pm
  8. Agent: Crosby's new Pens deal worth $104.4M

    Started by NewsCopy, June 28th, 2012 01:30 pm
  9. Source: Penguins, Crosby reach 9-figure deal

    Started by NewsCopy, June 28th, 2012 11:16 am

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