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Threads 9441 to 9460 of 35058

Forum: Preaux Sports

  1. Texans no match for Patriots

    Started by NewsCopy, January 14th, 2013 01:40 pm
  2. Carmelo Anthony lifts Knicks over Hornets

    Started by NewsCopy, January 14th, 2013 01:40 pm
  3. UL Baseball Astros just a month away from new season in Kissimmee

    Started by NewsCopy, January 14th, 2013 01:40 pm
  4. Bryant's FG rescues Falcons from late collapse

    Started by NewsCopy, January 14th, 2013 02:07 am
  5. Knicks sting Hornets to end slide

    Started by NewsCopy, January 14th, 2013 01:31 am
  6. NBA: Knicks sting Hornets to end slide

    Started by NewsCopy, January 14th, 2013 01:31 am
  7. Niners ride Kaepernick's arm, legs past Pack

    Started by NewsCopy, January 13th, 2013 02:06 pm
  8. He's a real 'Wild Child'

    Started by NewsCopy, January 13th, 2013 01:30 pm
  9. Ravens rally, stun Broncos in double overtime

    Started by NewsCopy, January 13th, 2013 02:05 am
  10. UL Baseball Clemens honors 451st Civil Affairs Battalion

    Started by NewsCopy, January 13th, 2013 01:15 am
  11. Durant nets 42, Thunder drop spiraling Lakers

    Started by NewsCopy, January 12th, 2013 01:58 pm
  12. IceGators move into SPHL lead

    Started by NewsCopy, January 12th, 2013 01:15 pm

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