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Threads 8861 to 8880 of 35058

Forum: Preaux Sports

  1. Tiger wins at Doral for 76th PGA Tour victory

    Started by NewsCopy, March 11th, 2013 01:59 am
  2. UL Baseball Astros report: Lyles focuses on mechanics

    Started by NewsCopy, March 10th, 2013 11:58 pm
  3. UL Baseball Brad Peacock uses sinker to get out of jam vs. Phillies

    Started by NewsCopy, March 10th, 2013 11:58 pm
  4. Flacco backs Boldin's stand against pay cut

    Started by NewsCopy, March 10th, 2013 01:58 pm
  5. UL Baseball Springer, DeShields reassigned to minors

    Started by NewsCopy, March 10th, 2013 11:58 am
  6. Late Surge Pushes IceGators Past IceBears

    Started by NewsCopy, March 10th, 2013 07:58 am
  7. Late Surge Pushes IceGators Past IceBears

    Started by NewsCopy, March 10th, 2013 05:34 am
  8. Tiger has 7 birdies, up 4 on McDowell at Doral

    Started by NewsCopy, March 10th, 2013 01:50 am
  9. UL Baseball Astros report: White shakes off rough start

    Started by NewsCopy, March 9th, 2013 11:50 pm
  10. UL Baseball Injured pitcher Erik Bedard throws off mound

    Started by NewsCopy, March 9th, 2013 11:50 pm
  11. Yankees' Rivera won't return after 2013 season

    Started by NewsCopy, March 9th, 2013 01:41 pm

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